Young People of Fremont, California  
Young People of Fremont, California Young People of Fremont, California

What are we for?

Money cannot satisfy man, nor can success, nothing of the world can. You may not realize it now, but you will later.

Why aren't you satisfied??
Because you haven't realized God's economy... you are a vessel to contain him, which is why you feel life is empty cause you haven't contained him. Take this example: a glove and a hand, the glove is you and the hand is God. The glove was made to be filled with a hand, but if it's not filled with the hand, it's useless and is empty.

I've heard other people say that life is about reproducing. Some others say that life is to live, then die. They think we are simply the highest evolution. They say this because they do not know God's economy, to have a group of men in His image and to be filled with Him.

We need to realize we are fallen!

Answer the questions:

Have you ever:
1. Lied?
2. Got mad?
3. Swore?
4. Stolen?
5. Wanted something someone else had?
6. Been jealous?
7. Hurt someone?
8. Hated someone?
9. Had negative thoughts about someone?
10. Wanted to kill someone?
11. Gossiped?
12. Broke a promise?
13. Betrayed someone?

Take a moment and think about your answers to these questions.

By the way...the biggest sin is...

to not believe in God.

E. Lee
February 14, 2003

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