Young People of Fremont, California  
Young People of Fremont, California Young People of Fremont, California

These are the hymns that the Fremont YP thoroughly enjoy and often sing. E-mail us with any suggestions!

154- It passeth knowledge, that dear love of Thine
204- Gathered in Thy name Lord Jesus
208- O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord
284- Loved with everlasting love
350- My goal is God Himself
432- O Love, that wilt not let me go
463- I love, I love my Master
569- Simply trusting everyday
600- My God, my Portion, and my Love
643- Take time to behold Him
645- O soul are you weary and troubled?
720- God hath not promised skies always blue
723- He giveth more grace
1050- Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night
1079- If I gained the world, but lost the Savior
1131- In a low dungeon, hope we had none
1151- Drink! A river pure and clear that's flowing from the throne
1159- Jesus Lord, I'm captured by Thy beauty
1238- Never did I dream before
1308- We have oil in our lamps - we are burning!
1328- My wandering days grew increasingly empty
1340- Therefore with joy, shall ye draw water

Long Beach Songbook
Lord, keep my heart always true to You
What made You, Lord, to die for me?
Pursue Him and know Him
Lord, I just love You
Divine Romance

New Songs
Create in me a clean heart, O God
Fallen, that's the way we all begin
God has called us for His purpose
Lord Jesus, Draw Me
Lord You Are More Precious Than Silver
Make me wholly Thine
The Best Love for the Lord
The Gift of Righteousness
Whispers from Above

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