Young People of Fremont, California  
Young People of Fremont, California Young People of Fremont, California

Fighting Our Way Into Our Spirit

Do you ever sit in a meeting listening to a message, and find it extremely boring!? Can you not figure out why you are not enjoying the meeting? Do you ever wish for the meeting to end so you can go home? The result of this "un-enjoyment" is that you are not in your spirit. Being in your spirit is an essential part of your Christian life. It is through your spirit that you enjoy Christ, it is through your spirit that you contact the Lord. Throughout my years as a member of the Body of Christ, I have found that we need to STRIVE to turn to our spirit.

Sometimes it may be hard to turn to your spirit because you had a bad day, but the best thing that you can do for yourself is turn to your spirit. When you are in your spirit, nothing matters to you. When you are in your spirit, you do not care about anything except that you are enjoying Christ. I remember that Hua once told me that turning to your spirit is the solution to all your problems in the church. For example, if you have a problem with a brother in the church, it is simply because you have a problem with his natural man. However, when you turn to your spirit, all those problems are eliminated. Many times it is hard to turn to your spirit in a meeting however. The best thing you can do for yourself in that kind of situation is to turn to your spirit. Although it may be hard to enjoy the song or even call on the name of the Lord, you need to fight your way into your spirit. The more you turn to your spirit everyday, the more you will enjoy Him. Everytime you call on His name, your inner man is built up. Eventually, you will be able to learn to turn to your Spirit in any situation, you will be able to enjoy Him with the other saints, and it will become irresistable to not enjoy the Lord in the meeting.

J. Wang
March 29, 2003

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