Young People of Fremont, California  
Young People of Fremont, California Young People of Fremont, California

Taking Christ as our portion

Suppose a brother comes to you with compalints about his wife. The brother may say, "The Lord has given you a wife who is kind, gentle, patient, and loving. But my wife is extremely difficult to live with. If your wife were like mine, you would probably be in a worse situation than I am concerning married life. I simply have no way to go on with my wife. What shall I do?" The best way to help such a brother is not to explain matters to him or argue with him... His urgent need is to realize that he is one spirit with the Lord... and that he should call on the name of the Lord... if you can help him call on the Lord, that brother's living will be revolutionized.

Most of us may not have an annoying wife to complain about, but most of us do have this annoying life we're stuck with. I don't know about you guys, but I love to complain and whine. But I just realized that my complaints and my whining is a direct result of my short-sightedness. I failed to see beyond my situation, I failed to see Christ. Now, I do believe that my living will be revolutionized. I pray that we would all not be bogged down by our situations. Continue calling, continue praying, continue fellowshipping, for this will transform your living for the better.

John 15:7 If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you

G. Xu
March 20, 2003

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