Young People of Fremont, California  
Young People of Fremont, California Young People of Fremont, California

Friday, February 28, 2003

Location: Jason's House
Meeting Count: 18 saints

  • Brothers: 9
  • Sisters: 9

    New announcements:

  • Prepare for the gospel meeting!!!!!

    Hymns sang:

    Hymn: 1079
    Caller: Grace
    Reason: If we gained the world but lost the Savior, would my gain be worth the life long strife? Nothing in the world can possibly compare to a moment in a Christ-filled life. Many times, we get consumed by the world, but we soon discover that the world is nothing compared to Christ.

    Hymn: 639
    Caller: Eric
    Reason: Death cannot hold the resurrection life! Hallelujah that the resurrection life is indestructible! Deatho nly gives it opportunity to show the boundless power of life divine. We all need to experience this resurrection life.

    Hymn: 284
    Caller: Catherine
    Reason: "Lord I love You because You first loved me." The Lord has loved us with everlasting love. We can have the assurance that the Lord will love us forever. In a love which cannot cease, I am His, and He is mine.

    Hymn: 553
    Caller: Hua
    Reason: We need to have a daily fellowship with the Lord. We need to go to Jesus everyday and tell Him everything. The Lord is our rest and comfort!

    Hymn: 1333
    Caller: Catherine
    Reason: What a happy day, when I no more could turn away, when Jesus took my heart from the black of night into the kingdom of His light. When we enjoy Christ, we are filled with everlasting joy. We need to realize that we have been saved by the Lord! We are no longer enthralled by earth's empty dreams, but deep inside us flows a living stream!

    Hymn: 1341
    Caller: Eric
    Reason: The redeemed of the Lord will return! They will be singing unto Zion! Hallelujah, that we will be singing to Zion! When we enjoy the Lord, all the sorrow and morning flees away.

    Saturday, February 22, 2003

    Location: Fremont Meeting Hall #2
    Meeting Count: 31 saints

  • Brothers: 16
  • Sisters: 15

    New announcements:

  • Prepare for the gospel meeting!!!!!

    Hymns sang:

    Hymn: Mary poured out her love offering
    Caller: Gina
    Reason: Although we were the Lord's enemy, the Lord still died for us. How could he love a sinner like me, his enemy? However, the Lord loved us so much that he sent his only Son to come and die for us.

    Hymn: 463
    Caller: Hua
    Reason: The Lord is our Master. I will not go out free, for He is my Redeemer, He paid the price for me. We should continually serve the Lord, and we should have no other Master.

    Hymn: 433
    Caller: Eric
    Reason: I am the Lord's, O joy beyond expression! Hallelujah that we can be the Lord's. When we were constrained by the Lord's love, we could not resist Him. When we are in the Lord, nothing can bother us.

    Hymn: 284
    Caller: Catherine
    Reason: "Lord I love You because You first loved me." The Lord has loved us with everlasting love. We can have the assurance that the Lord will love us forever. In a love which cannot cease, I am His, and He is mine.

    Hymn: 548
    Caller: Hua
    Reason: We were made as a vessel to contain God. God made man in His image, and according to His likeness. As a vessel, we cannot be filled with anything else. Our being should simply express God.

    Hymn: 750
    Caller: Eric
    Reason: While we are putting off our old man, our new man is constantly being renewed. We need to pray to the Lord, that He would transform our entire being, and fill us with His Spirit.

    Hymn: 1079
    Caller: Grace
    Reason: If we gained the world but lost the Savior, would my gain be worth the life long strife? Nothing in the world can possibly compare to a moment in a Christ-filled life. Many times, we get consumed by the world, but we soon discover that the world is nothing compared to Christ.

    Friday, February 21, 2003

    Location: Jeremy's House
    Meeting Count: 21 saints

  • Brothers: 14
  • Sisters: 7

    New announcements:

  • This week we're going over message 9 in the First Corinthians Life-Study.

    Hymns sang:

    Hymn: What made You Lord to die for me?
    Caller: Gina
    Reason: Although we were the Lord's enemy, the Lord still died for us. How could he love a sinner like me, his enemy? However, the Lord loved us so much that he sent his only Son to come and die for us.

    Hymn: 284
    Caller: Hua
    Reason: The category of this song is assurance of joy and salvation - loved by the Lord. The Lord is always there for us, and He will be there when we need to turn to Him. Nothing in the world can disturb us when we are led by the Lord. O, I am His and He is mine.

    Hymn: 437
    Caller: Catherine
    Reason: We haven't sang the song in a long time, so we missed the song. However, the words of the song are very enjoyable. The subject of the song is that we were captivated by the Lord's beauty. All the young people need to realize that the idols of the earth are nothing compared to the Lord's beauty.

    Hymn: 210
    Caller: Han
    Reason: I've found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me, He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul! Hallelujah, that Jesus is our friend. All the young people need to realize that the Lord is their best friend. In sorrow, He is their comfort, in trouble He's their stay. Whenever we have problems, we should simply take the Lord as an answer.

    Saturday, February 15, 2003

    Location: Fremont Meeting Hall #2
    Meeting Count: 20 saints

  • Brothers: 9
  • Sisters: 11

    New announcements and decisions:

  • Gospel meeting will go like this: during the week, Gina will send out the link full of FAQ's concerning God and each group can go over a point and be ready by next week.
  • This week we're going over message 8 in the First Corinthians Life-Study.

    Hymns sang:

    Hymn: 1083
    Caller: Eric
    Reason: The Lord's name is so precious. It is the most glorious name on earth! When we call "O Lord Jesus," we get the person of that name.

    Hymn: 864
    Caller: Susan
    Reason: The center of all of our meetings is just to exhibit Christ!

    Hymn: 1025
    Caller: Esther Chang
    Reason: The riches of the Lord are so wonderful. The Lord is so rich, so full, so good, and so sweet!

    Hymn: 720
    Caller: Gina
    Reason: Sometimes the troubles from the world just gets to us and puts a barrier between us and God.. but we must need to come to realize once again that God has not promised skies always blue, and instead, he'll send strength for the day.

    Hymn: 723
    Caller: Eric
    Reason: The Lord is our inexhaustible supply! When our strength is failed ere the day is half done, the Lord just gives and gives and gives again!

    Hymn: 788
    Caller: Angela
    Reason: Whatever our problems are, we should simply go to Jesus. Whether our problems are good or bad, we need to go to Jesus and tell Him all.

    Hymn: 720
    Caller: Gina
    Reason: The Lord may not have promised a life that is always on the high side. However, the Lord has promised that he would always supply us with strength for the day.

    Friday, February 14, 2003

    Location: Kevin and Gina's House
    Meeting Count: 20 saints

  • Brothers: 11
  • Sisters: 9

    New announcements and decisions:

  • Gospel meeting will be held on March 8
  • Start to go over The Mystery of Human Life

    Verses pray read:

  • 2 Timothy 2:22
  • 2 Timothy 3:7-8

    Hymns sang:

    Hymn: Create in me a clean heart, O God
    Caller: Eric
    Reason: Shortly before Eric called this hymn, we were pray reading 2 Timothy. This song pertains to the subject we were praying over. We all asked the Lord to give us a pure heart. Eric felt that this song would be a good prayer to the Lord.

    Hymn: Fallen, thats the way we all begin
    Caller: Gina
    Reason: We can pray to the Lord about certain matters, but do they ever come true? The only way to cause all the problems in the church to go away is to call on the name of the Lord! We have so many problems and troubles, but all these will go away when we simply call on the Lord's name!

    Hymn: But what things were gains to me
    Caller: Eric
    Reason: A common prayer in Fremont is that the Lord will give us all a clean heart to pursue Christ. Eric felt that this song was appropriate since it is from Philippians 3:7-14, which talks on the matter of pursuing Christ.

    Hymn: 569
    Caller: Gina
    Reason: There has been so many instances and situations lately among the church and it's all because we lack trust in Christ. After singing this song, she hoped the Lord will renew our faith in us.

    Hymn: 1332
    Caller: Eric
    Reason: In preparation for the upcoming gospel meeting, we felt that this was a good song to sing there. We also enjoyed the point of how it reassures our salvation.

    Saturday, February 8, 2003

    Location: Fremont Meeting Hall #2
    Meeting Count: 26 saints

  • Brothers: 9
  • Sisters: 17

    Hymn: 530 + 1248
    Caller: Hua
    Reason: Hua felt that the young people of this age should be inspired to be preserved for God's work.

    Hymn: 1103
    Caller: Hua
    Reason: Because it will lead to the next song that he wanted to call but never got a chance to.

    Hymn: 1131
    Caller: Kevin
    Reason: We haven't sang it in awhile, so we wanted to sing it. The Lord has redeemed us with his precious blood. Hallelujah, sin is erased! We do not have to do anything except to love the Lord. The Lord has already done everything! He has brought us back to God!

    Hymn: 436
    Caller: Esther Chang
    Reason: Esther was touched that the Lord spent so many long years in suffering for us and we never gave Him any of our good stuff, only troubles and woes. We should just give ourselves to the Lord right now.

    Hymn: 154
    Caller: Susan
    Reason: Easy to get into the spirit.

    Friday, February 7, 2003

    Location: Catherine's House
    Meeting Count: 19 saints

  • Brothers: 10
  • Sisters: 9

    Hymn: 645
    Caller: Hua
    Reason: Hua felt that we needed to turn our eyes upon Jesus. After a long hard week in the world, our eyes may be turned away. By singing this hymn, it made us realize that we need to turn away from the world.

    Hymn: 643
    Caller: Eric
    Reason: Eric felt that we need to take to behold Jesus. When we are in our flesh, we often behold other things, so we need to turn away from these things, and just behold the Lord!

    Hymn: 1079
    Caller: Grace
    Reason: Grace wanted each of us to know that without the Savior, nothing in our lives would matter. We can have everything in the world, but still have nothing if we do not have the Savior.

    Hymn: 1080
    Caller: Hua
    Reason: Hua enjoyed that everything in the world is simply vanity. Nothing in this world compares to Christ. Everything is temporary, but the enjoyment of Christ is eternal!

    Hymn: God has called us for His purpose
    Caller: Gina
    Reason: Gina felt that we were often times distracted in the meetings (talking, laughing, etc.). None of this would happen if we would see the vision of the Lord's economy! We should be seeing this vision of the Lord's economy clearly and let it direct our hearts.

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