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This is just a guide for making your first string of lights, after this you can choose any size, position, and lights that you prefer.

  1. Open a new transparent image in PSP 350 x 50 16m colors.
  2. lu1b

  3. Draw a bezier curve, from 0,50 to 250,0
  4. lu1

  5. Click on the tube tool; choose the little lights Scale 35
  6. lu2

  7. I prefer, to put one light on each layer, and then merge all visible layers, because it is easier to arrange.
  8. lu3

  9. When you have all the lights on the bezier curve: duplicate the first layer until obtains 13 layers. (There are 11 bulbs in the image, plus one layer in which all the lights are lit and layer 1 will be the frame with all lights unlit.).
  10. lu4

  11. We will begin with layer 13 � active layer-. This is the string that will have all lights lit. Click the Colors menu, choose Adjust/Brightness and Contrast, and set both to 20. Click OK.
  12. ;u5

  13. Now, make the layer 12 the active layer, click the Selection tool, and set to Ellipse, select the last bulb (red), use the Brightness/Contrast adjustment with the same settings.
  14. Repeat step 7 with each layer until layers 2 (blue). Remember that layer 1 is the beginning in which all the bulbs are off.

    Save your images as *.psp and from File menu, choose File/Run Animation Shop.

  15. Click File menu/Preferences/General Program Preferences and check this setting.
  16. lu7


  17. Open your file psp with the lights. Edit menu/Select all, right click and Properties/ Display time 25 sec.
  18. lu6

  19. When you are satisfied with your animation choose File/Save


Enjoy your Christmas animated lights!

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None of these graphics may be duplicated, copied, uploaded to another server or linked to


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