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Minako Misquotes

The loveable Minako may be very pretty and very athetic, but she has a knack for misquotes. Here are a few that I came up with that could easily have been heres.

"There are too many cats in the kitchen!" (There are too many cooks in the kitchen) - Due to Artemis, Luna, and Diana being underfoot.

"Moving waters run cold." (Still waters run deep) - She might have said this after seeing Makoto sit with her sensei under the waterfall.

"If you fall off a horse, get up and run before it steps on you." (If you fall off a horse, get right back on) - Hey...at least that one makes sense!

"A bird in the hand will poop on you, but two in the bush will not unless you are under them." (A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush) - Sensible enough.

"You eat what you are." (You are what you eat) - Now playing in theatres everywhere! Minako, the Cannibal!

"Great athletes stink alike." (Great minds think alike) - Could have been said after a particularly gruelling work-out in warm weather.

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