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Sailor Neptune�s Review

Welcome to the beautiful universe of Sailor Moon. I am in charge of watching over the review, as is told by Dione.

WARNING: Below are major, MAJOR spoilers for the first season of Sailor Moon! Read at your own risk!

The struggle of good against evil, untapped powers, a legendary chalice, and an unwitting heroine. These are the elements that are threaded throughout what I feel is one of the greatest shows that I have ever seen. Naoko Takeuchi�s, �Sailor Moon� is filled with amazing detail, plot twists, depth of character, and suspense that is essential to pull the viewer �into� the story. It was after watching Sailor Moon that I decided I wanted to be an authour, and that I wanted to improve my artistic skills.

From the beginning, with �Sailor Moon,� viewers are introduced to a clumsy, ditzy junior high school girl, Tsukino Usagi, who loves to just daydream and eat (and daydream about eating .^_-.). It tells the story of how she becomes a Sailor Senshi, and overcomes the many obstacles of being a super heroine as well as a teenage girl. Along the way it introduces us to several other main characters.

One of the other characters we meet is Usagi�s opposite; a girl who spends all of her time studying, is very cautious, and never late. This, of course, is Mizuno Ami, AKA Sailor Mercury. Ami is the school genius, with an IQ that has been said to be 300. She is the brains of the operation, and she is constantly pushing Usagi to be better. In the first season, her attacks are merely diversionary tactics, but essential nevertheless. We meet the fiery-tempered, Hino Rei, who is a temple priestess. She learns that she is the senshi of fire, Sailor Mars. Her boldness and ability to see and interpret visions is a great asset to the team of senshi. Next in line is Kino Makoto, who is Sailor Jupiter. She transferred to Juuban Jr. High, and was known for her tendency to fight. It was rumoured that she was kicked out of her old school for fighting, but in reality, she had transferred so that she would not have to be in the same school as her old sempai (boyfriend), because it was too emotionally painful. She is the strongest, physically, of the senshi from this series. Her strength and determination pull the team through many hard times. Finally, we come across Aino Minako. She starts out as the already-famous Sailor V, but she is really Sailor Venus. When the viewers first discover this is when she comes in and saves the rest of the team from sure death. Minako is somewhat of a ditz, and is definitely boy-crazy. She has many experiences that the other senshi can not even relate to, and this comes in handy in battles.

The villains from this series are equally well-developed. Queen Beryl is portrayed as the true evil archetype. She is bent on domination, at all costs. She cares nothing about anyone but herself, and will eliminate all who even SEEM to be against her. She is very power-hungry, and doesn�t want her four generals (to rebel in the least bit. Because of this, she is quite willing to take some of them out when they don�t fulfill her goals. The generals all try to be the �best� in Beryl�s eyes. They each do everything in their power to make sure that the other generals mess up. The one exception is Kunzite (Malachite) and Zoisite, who are lovers, so obviously are not against each other.

One by one, the Sailor Senshi defeat the generals, after defeating a serious of monsters that are under the generals� control. Finally, the time comes for the senshi to face Queen Beryl, herself. They head toward the North Pole, where Luna and Artemis, two talking guides who happen to be cats, had discovered some very high levels of negative energy. On the way, Sailor Moon has her memories of what had befallen the Moon Kingdom restored to her. There the senshi have to face the Doom and Gloom Girls. In desperate struggles, the senshi destroy the Doom and Gloom Girls, but at the cost of their lives. Now only Sailor Moon remains. She soon finds herself up against Beryl. She discovers that her love, Prince Endymion, who is Mamoru, is being controlled by Queen Beryl. Endymion attacks Sailor Moon, but she gets him to remember their love by showing him a locket that he had given her before the destruction of the Moon Kingdom. Eventually, Sailor Moon actually fights Queen Beryl. Sailor Moon gets trapped in ice, but breaks free. When she breaks free, she is no longer Sailor Moon, but rather, the princess of the Moon, Princess Serenity. In this form, she battles Queen Beryl. The other senshi reach through death to lend their support, and Queen Beryl is defeated. (Yes, of course, the senshi come back. >^_^<).

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