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Tin Nyanko's Awards

Tin Nyanko here! If you want to win an award, email Dione with the URL to your site. Also, please provide a link to On Silent Wings.

Dione does not give out many awards, so if you want a good chance of winning one, make sure that your site fits Dione's list.

Here are some things that Dione DOES NOT LIKE in a site!

* Broken links: I can handle one or two, as I occasionally have some, but a bunch is annoying!
* Broken pictures: Again, a few is okay, but not a lot.
* Pages with nothing on them: If the page is not done, or not nearly done, please do not link it.
* Loud music with no consol: I prefer music to have a consol so the viewer can turn it off if they like. If you want regular background music, please make sure it is not very loud when the speakers are set at a reasonable level. I have sensetive ears and I hate having me ears blasted out.
* Pictures scattered all over: Try to arrange them so that they do not distract from your site as a whole. If it is an image gallery, then it is okay, otherwise limit the number of pictures.
* False advertising: If a link on your page, or your actually site, says "The Best Sailor Moon Site on the Web!" it had better be one heck of a good site. It had also better be about Sailor Moon.
* Pop-ups: I do not mind pop-ups, so long as there are not a ton of them.
* Too many bright colours: I like my eyes. I do not want them ruined because I viewed a site that had loud, flashy, contrasting colours. I am not saying that bright colours are bad, but please limit them and do not have bright fonts on a bright background.
* Pale font on a light background or vice versa: Come on. I need to be able to read the information that you present on your site.
* Hard to navigate: I prefer sites with frames, image maps, or drop-down lists. However, so long as your site is very easy to navigate so that I do not have to presh my browser's back button a million times, I can deal with it.
* Typos: Everyone ends up with typos. A few are okay, but I hate when the entire page (or site even) is filled with typos, bad spelling, or poor grammar.
* TyPiNg LiKe ThIs: Not only is it annoying, but it is also hard to read.
* no caps or ALL CAPS: All caps is rude. No caps is hard to read.
* Little or no punctuation: I like to know where sentences end, thank you.
* No paragraph breaks: Even if you cannot figure out where to put a break, try to put some in anyway. It is hard on the eyes to read a lot of text with no breaks.

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