Rating: 4/5

I really liked this book. The only reason I gave it a four instead of a five was because I really missed the Daughters and Stanton in this book. It wasn't really a Daughters of the Moon book. It was kind of like Tianna's, but much, much better. I learned a lot more than I used to know about what Ancient Greece was actually like. I'm an expert on the gods and goddesses, but I didn't really know much about what it was actually like back then. This book opened up a whole new realm to the Daughters world.

The love story with Hector was beautiful, I thought. It was immensely sad, even though you already knew it was going to end badly because of Moon Demon.

OH! WHO CALLED THAT CHRYSIPPUS WAS ACTUALLY CHRIS? I DID! I DID! I DID! *does a little victory dance* I was like "Hmm... Chrysippus ... Chris.... Aha!".

Argh! I feel like murdering somebody because we didn't find which Daughter was her successor! I really think it's going to be Jimena. Catty, she's already got a big ol' destiny with the Scroll and everything. Same with Serena - except she's the Key. And Vanessa and Tianna just don't seem to fit the part. "... The girl was hostile and filled with too much self-confidence ..." If that's not Jimena, I don't know what is. I hope we find out in the next one!

Also, it seems that the lovely Ms. Ewing is getting back into the rotation of Vanessa, Serena, Jimena, Catty, Stanton, Tianna by the excerpt of the next book, The Prophecy (which I can't wait for by the way!). And that means that the 12th book will have the lovely Stanton in it! *snogs Stanton*


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