Pink Goddessess on Parade...





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Welcome to The Umbra and the Lux. In case your wondering, umbra is Latin for "shadow" and lux is Latin for "light". I am a huge fan of the series, and I especially love Stanton, Serena, and Vanessa. My favorite books are probably Into the Cold Fire, The Sacrifice, Moon Demon, and Possession.

1.01.04 - The cover of
The Prophecy is below. It's expected release date is June 2004, but you can preorder it off I like the cover, but I still stand by my belief of the best cover being The Talisman.

9.01.03 -
The Talisman is out! Go get it if you haven't already! It's from Maggie's point of view and I gave it a pretty good review. Read that here. Also, DOTMUW has the excerpt from The Prophecy, the next installment in DotM, here. A release date has not yet been set.
Serena - the best goddess of them all!!!!
The Prophecy
Stanton :-)
I'm Serena! Which goddess are you?
5.06.04 - So, I do apologize for the lack of updates. But, to be quite frank, I've lost interest in the Daughters of the Moon books. I also now have another, more HTML friendly site,
Remarkable Really, that is in the process of being set-up. So, sadly, I'm saying good-bye to the Umbra and the Lux. You can still visit - I won't take anything down. For the final update, I added a very, very good DotM site in links, which you should check out. Thank you for all the support. Bye!
Earwig's Site: Home of Laurie
I am in no way associated with Lynne Ewing, Hyperion Press, or anyone else related with the Daughters of the Moon series. All things on this website are original unless stated otherwise, so please do not steal from me.
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