Dear Whoever is BraveEnough to Actually Read This,

This is my fair warning: I am criminally insane. You were warned. Onward, Wesley!

My name is Peggy, and I am 13 years old. I live in the hideously boring state of Iniana with my two bunnies, two sisters, and two parents. One of my bunnies, Mookie, has hygiene problems. We're working on that with her. My sisters don't have hygiene problems, though... Anyway! My favorite movie is
Dirty Dancing, but I quote Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Moulin Rouge much more.

I love
the Daughters of the Moon books, of course, but I also like Harry Potter, the Lord of the Rings, Circle of Three, the Princess Diaries, the Mediator, 1-800-WHERE-R-U, Roswell High, Protector of the Small, Song of the Lioness, and the Immortal series quite well. Wow, that's a lot of italics.

Moving on, my favorite show in the world is
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, starring super sexy vampire Spike, played by James Marsters. My next favorite is Roswell, starring super sexy alien Max, played by Jason Behr. Then Angel, 24Seven (not to be confused with 24), Charmed, and CSI. I happen to love the television, thank you very much.

My favorite band is either
Matchbox Twenty or Bif Naked. I also like Zero 7, Lenny Kravitz, Sensefield, Save Ferris, Sarah McLachlan, Rasputina, Letters to Cleo, Ash, the Beatles, and Ghost of the Robot. I like really weird music few have heard of. It's a fun existence.

I get good grades, I play basketball and volleyball, and I strive to sit around on my butt all day. According to an online quiz, my deepest secret is that I eat people. Also, my soul originated in the bowels of hell. Yet somehow, my warcry is supposed to be "Mew?". Ahh... stupid online quizzes, my guitly pleasure.

So, enjoy the view, read books, and help me plot for a.) world domination b.) avril lavigne's assasination c.) hilary duff's assasination or d.) a new, awesome hair care business with half-naked look alikes of James Marsters, Jason Behr, and Stanton washing my hair. I like "d" the best. You choose. :-)

                                                   Your most humble fellow Dotm fan,
                                                   VP of Sloth Club
                                                   Queen of Micronesia

P.S. You must also cut down the mightiest tree in this forest with ..... a herring!
A picture of me...... No really it is! I was Sarah Michelle Gellar in a past life. Except I married James Marsters, not that sissy Prinze Jr. boy. And yes, I do know how to spell "delusional".
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