Every babble
M u
Of course, Churchward had much more to say about Mu, but I think this potted version of his findings should be sufficient for the purposes of this particular thesis. However, one can�t help but pause and wonder what Churchward would have made of those gigantic, stepped underwater monuments of Yonaguni!  Now let us move on to consider other interesting speculations on the origins and history of our human species!
Lemuria.  Lemuria was an alleged �lost continent� that supposedly lay between the east coast of Africa and the south west of India.  It was so named by the English zoologist, Philip L. Sclater, as a possible home of the alleged �Missing Link� between humans and the anthropoid apes.   It was believed that Africa and India had, at one time in the distant past, been linked to each other and to Madagascar and South East Asia. This was by some sort of �land-bridge�, a now-sunken isthmus which permitted the pro-simians (lemurs, bush-babies, pottos and lorises) to migrate freely between the two lands.     (Lemurs, it should be added, are a species of small, agile, arboreal mammals, somewhere between monkeys and squirrels, although they are actually closely related to the former and are officially classified as primates.)

The Continent That Never Was?
During the 1860�s, pro-Darwinian zoologists believed that such an isthmus or land-bridge could account for the strange isolation of the pro-simians in these widely-separated locations.   Further scientific interest was aroused in the 1870�s when a German scientist, Ernst Haekel proposed that this same missing continent might also have been the true origin of humanity.   Sadly, before the real truth of the situation had been discovered - that Africa and India had once been joined together, before splitting apart, and thus allowing India to move northward by continental drift  -  various leading occultists had seized upon this idea of Lemuria being the origin of the first men, and had developed some weird and wonderful ideas of how humans had developed.  Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the famous psychic and occultist, who founded the Theosophical Society, claimed to have had contact through psychic means with the Brotherhood of Mahatmas (a group of ethereal beings who purported to run the world from their Tibetan headquarters), and that, among other amazing things, they had revealed the true emergence of life on the earth.    Without going into the subject too deeply, she was told that there are seven �Root Races� of beings destined to occupy the earth, and that we present-day humans are the Fifth such Race.   After us, there are still two more yet to come.  Apparently, the Sixth will evolve out of us and go back to occupy Lemuria, then the Seventh and final Root Race will leave this planet altogether and start over again upon the planet Mercury!    (All I�ll  say about that is �Good luck to them, and I hope they remember to take their fireproof underwear!�)    

To complicate matters even further, each Root Race is said to be composed of seven Sub-Races - the descendants of a Sub-Race of the Fourth Race (who were fully- human Atlanteans) are alleged to be the Australian Aborigines, the Papuans and the Hottentots!  
According to the fanciful Madame Blavatsky, some Lemurians had four arms, whilst others had �eyes� in the backs of their heads which gave them �psychic vision�.  These curious creatures also communicated by telepathy and could move mountains by sheer will-power alone - despite the fact that they possessed no regular brains, as we understand them!    The whole thing sounds like such a farrago of utter nonsense that it�s hard to believe anyone could possibly subscribe to such a wild concept.  And yet, strange as it may seem, she seems to have attracted quite a large following around the world!
Whilst I would dearly love to expand further upon this weird cult, I must keep this account on a fairly basic level, and say that Lemuria is supposed to have occupied nearly the entire Southern Hemisphere, extending from the foothills of the Himalayas almost to the shores of Antarctica, as well as up most of the central Atlantic!     Madame Blavatsky died in 1891, and her successor, Annie Besant, continued her work and wrote extensively about Lemuria and its curious inhabitants, as also did another leading British theosophist, W. Scott-Elliot.  

He managed to fill out the Lemurian concept considerably with the help of the ethereal �Theosophic Masters� in Tibet, and wrote a definitive book, �The Story  of Atlantis and The Lost Lemuria� which was published in 1896, and illustrated with six world-maps which showed its stages of development, supplied by the Tibetan Mahatma Masters.   I won�t even attempt to describe his work here, or that of Madame Blatavsky:�The Secret Doctrine� , which was published in 1888, and is still to be found by diligent seekers!  Scott-Elliot�s fantastic book reads like super-science-fiction - which it probably is - but it certainly makes for entertaining reading!    I can only recommend that readers  find it for themselves, and make up their own minds!   (The first few chapters should suffice to convince most readers!)

On a slightly more modern note, still other new and fantastic details have been revealed.  On May 22nd, 1932, a reporter named  Edward Lanser, of the �Los Angeles Times�, claimed to have spied upon a settlement of Lemurians whom he discovered living on the slopes of Mount Shasta, in northern California!       His attention had first been drawn to them whilst on board the night train from California to Oregon, when he noticed some strange coloured lights up on Mount Shasta as they passed by it.  The conductor told Lanser that it was �Just them Lemurians holding  some ceremony�.    This intrigued him sufficiently to compel him to explore the mountain to find these strange beings, whom he�d been told were the last descendants of the first inhabitants of the earth!     

In the small town of Weed, close to the mountain, Lanser learned that the Lemurians held their ceremonies both in day-time and night-time, but no one had ever been able to penetrate the colony�s sacred precincts.   However, there was one local �scientist� who had found out more about the Lemurians than anyone else, and constantly watched them from his private mountain-top observatory by means of a high-powered astronomical telescope.   This was Professor Edgar Larkin, a local celebrity.   He said he had observed a splendid temple in the midst of their secret hideout, carved out of marble and onyx, which rivalled even the great Mayan temples of Yucatan.    The locals, athough  scared of trespassing on the Lemurians� obviously sacred territory, claimed that they seemed a friendly and peaceable community, who were simply endeavouring to live the same lifestyle as their forebears had, before their homeland sank under the ocean.

In his newspaper articles, Lanser reported that the local villagers had often met the these Lemurians, and had described them as being �tall, barefoot, noble-looking men, with close-cropped hair and dressed in spotless white robes�.   They were well liked in the village as they purchased large amounts of sulphur, salt and lard, paying handsomely for these goods with large nuggets of gold which they mined within Mount Shasta.
Was it all a Hoax?
The biggest mystery concerning this curious �Lemurian� community was how they had gone undetected for so long.  Lanser explained this in his amazing account.  He stated that they possessed the secret powers of the Tibetan Masters, which allowed them to surround their hamlet with an invisible protective boundary to keep out intruders. (Possibly some form of deflector beam).   He also stated that their knowledge of science was far greater than that of ordinary humans, and although they (or perhaps their ancestors?) had lived in America - which they called �Gustama� - for several hundreds of thousands of years, they still remembered their original homeland in the strange ceremonies which they held on the mountain�s slopes.     However, those people who had hitherto set some credence in Lanser�s reports were sadly disappointed.      

Other investigators were totally unable to find any trace of the strange enclave and its equally strange occupants, who either existed only in Lanser�s mind, or were rendered invisible by their mentors in Tibet!    As for the eminent Professor Larkin.  He turned out to be a local dabbler in the occult, whose duties were simply to let visitors to his �observatory� study the stars through a comparatively small telescope.  Perhaps luckily for him, he died years before Lanser�s article was published, so was spared the indignity of becoming a public laughing-stock!

However, Mount Shasta had already figured large in occult debate well prior to Lanser�s entering the scene.  One Frederick S. Oliver published an occult story in 1894, entitled �A Dweller On Two Planets�, using the pen-name of �Phylos The Tibetan� in which he, as the narrator, encounters one of the Masters ( a Chinese sage named Quong) on the same mountain, where a community of spiritual sages preserved all the ancient wisdom of their forefathers.   He was accepted into their group, and they then took him, in his spirit-body, on a visit to the planet Venus.  (Knowing the infernal conditions prevalent on Venus as we now do, he probably thought he was in Hell!)   His mentors also taught him to recall all his previous incarnations - which included a life upon Atlantis.

But Then Again...
Despite these apparently �linked works of fiction�  -  one presumes that Lanser had read Oliver�s old book -  perhaps one shouldn�t be overly hasty to dismiss the entire Lemurian concept as pure fantasy, either.  Harking back to our previous mention of Scott-Elliot and his fanciful book, I find that there seems to be a fine golden thread of possible truth running through the generally weird material it contains. 

For example, he makes mention of beings from the early planet Venus (presumably prior to it being knocked out of its old orbit between Mars and Jupiter - as I have discussed elsewhere), who strangely enough, were called �Lords of The Flame�, (and this, remember, was written long before Venus� present semi-molten state was ever known to astronomers and cosmologists!).     

These Venusians had long ago already developed a highly-advanced civilization upon their planet, and they were able to teach the Lemurians how to attain immortality through repeated incarnations.   
  (I should perhaps also mention that these same so-called Venusians could well have been the �Astridians� whom I have postulated as the small humanoid inhabitants of the �fifth planet�, which orbited where the asteroid-belt now lies (and which I now believe really was Venus), in my first scenario for an alternative birth-planet to Mars of our human species.)

Back to Atlantis!
Later on in his book, Scott-Elliot mentions how the continent of Lemuria began to break up and sink into the ocean bed - apart, that is, from that single portion which extended into the North Atlantic. Two large adjacent pieces of this peninsula still remained after the rest of Lemuria had vanished, and these became the so-called �continent� of Atlantis.  (However, we are not told how they reached into the central Atlantic from the Indian Ocean!)    These became the home of the first sub-Race of the Fourth Root Race, known as the Atlanteans, who, according to the book, later became the forerunners of the Cro-Magnon white race that occupied Europe and Northern Asia! Next came the Tlavatlis, who occupied an Atlantean colony that is now called Mexico.   The third sub-Race were the Toltecs, who brought Atlantis into its �Golden Age�, which lasted for 100,000 years!

A Curious Twist Of Irony.
Thus Scott-Elliot�s story takes a very interesting turn, and develops in a now-familiar fashion, relating the demise of the two joint islands which formed Atlantis, ending in the final sinking of the last remaining, smaller island, Poseidonis, in the year 9564 BC, and which is told of  in Plato�s story!       One ironic twist in this story concerns the larger portion of Atlantis, Daitya, which prior to its submergence, was occupied by another sub-race of Altanteans, who were sorcerers, and were called the Semites.  Just before Daitya sank under the waves, a large group of these Semites moved into central Asia, where they then evolved into the Aryans, the Fifth �Root Race�, to which we now reportedly belong!      One cannot help but wonder what Adolf Hitler�s reaction would have been, had he read this of this amazing �evolution� of his proposed �Aryan Master-Race� out of the Nazis� so-called sub-human �Untermenschen� -  the Hebrews!    We can only assume that neither Hitler nor Himmler read Scott-Elliot�s intriguing book!
This was but the beginning of a deep descent into the lowest state of humanity, which was to remain a traditional way of life in the Pacific region for thousands of years to come.   Cannibalism was still rife in many of the Pacific islands, even during my own lifetime in the early to mid-1900�s!

The Legacy of Mu.
However, although Mu herself was no more, her splendid civilization continued on for several generations in her colonies, before eventually fading away due to lack of cohesive central support from the vanished motherland.    No doubt, we owe much of our modern civilization today, to that ancient Motherland in the Pacific Ocean, by way of the various great civilizations which she spawned first in Atlantis, then India, the Americas, China, Egypt, and finally, in Greece and Rome. It would seem that many of the inventions and skills that were common to the Muvians and Atlanteans, are now simply being re-discovered by modern man, who probably still has a great deal yet to re-learn  -  if indeed he is willing to also learn from the mistakes of  the past, and thus avoid having to repeat them!
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