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This rather jars against the Hebrew version with regard to the creation of Adam, as does the final creative verse, �Then Narayana, the Seven Headed Intellect, the Creator of all things throughout the universe, created man, and placed within his body a living imperishable spirit, and man became like Narayana in intellectual power.  Then was creation complete�.    Since Churchward was allegedly a devout Christian, I can hardly conceive of him attempting to forge a fraudulent version and sell his own soul for the sake of notoriety!  Unfortunately, this rather sinister-looking �Seven-Headed Intellect� (which is depicted in his book as a giant cobra with seven rather nasty-looking heads) sounds uncomfortably similar to the Seven-Headed �Beast� that comes out of the sea, in the Biblical Book of Revelation, even though that entity from Hell is depicted as a seven-headed leopard-like creature).

There were seven creative commands, which indicated seven periods of time, but were  not measured by any specific number of years, or �days� as in the Bible story of Creation.      According to Churchward, the account simply stated that the creation took seven periods of time - not six days as in the Biblical legend.    He goes on to add that legends of the Creation are prevalent among many peoples throughout the world, and in all instances he found much of the material identical.   The only conclusion Churchward could draw was that they were all of a common origin, and had their genesis in Mu! 

Churchward then sets about proving the actual existence of Mu.   Firstly via the Naacal tablets, then he mentions records written in Maya, Egypt and India, which recount the destruction of Mu: �when the earth�s crust was broken up by earthquakes and then sank into a fiery abyss. Then the waters of the Pacific rolled in over her, leaving only water where a mighty civilization had existed�.

Secondly, he points out that there is ample confirmation of Mu in other ancient manuscripts, like the Hindu Ramanyana epic mentioned earlier, as told by Narrat�, the high priest of the Rishi Temple at Ayhodya.  At one point, mention is made of the Naacals �coming to Burma from the land of their birth in the East� - which is the direction of the Pacific.   Mention is also made of Mu in the Troano Manuscript, an ancient Mayan book, written in Yucatan, and now in the British Museum.  It refers to The Land of Mu using the same symbols as were found in Egypt, India and Burma.   Yet another Mayan book as old as the Troano Manuscript - The Codex Cortesianus also mentions Mu as does a Tibetan book in Lhasa, and as also do scores of other ancient records from Egypt, Greece, Central America, Mexico and even the Anasazi cliff-inscriptions in the southern USA! 
Thirdly, there are many existing ruins on the South Sea islands, such as Easter Island, Mangiaia, Tonga, Ponape and the Marianas Islands, which seem to hark back to the time of Mu.  Whilst at Uxmal, in Yucatan, there is an inscription upon an ancient ruined temple which commemorates �The Lands of The West, whence we came� - and a pyramid south west of Mexico city was built, according to its inscriptions, in memory of the destruction of these �Lands of The West�.

Fourthly, Churchward found that there was a universality of certain ancient symbols and customs which were to be found in various ancient lands such as Egypt, Burma, India, Japan, China, the South Sea Islands, Central and South America, as well as among the aboriginal tribes of North America.   They were so identical that it seemed certain that they all came from only one source - Mu!

Churchward�s Description of Mu.
From all the diverse sources at his disposal, Chuchward was able to form a picture of his great Muvian �continent�.  He described it as �a vast stretch of rolling country, extending from north  of Hawaii, down towards the south. A line between Easter Island and the Fijis formed its southern boundary.   It was over 5,000 miles from east to west, and over 3,000 miles from north to south. The continent consisted of three* areas of land, divided from each other by narrow channels or seas.�    (*Which seems to fit in with my own suggestion of the land of Mu actually being a series of ridges, separated by stretches of ocean, rather than one complete and solid continental mass.)    He then goes on to describe Mu as it was, according to the various records he had studied.     It was beautiful tropical land with huge plains.  Its plains and valleys were covered in rich grazing grass and cultivated fields, whilst the low rolling hill-lands were verdant with luxuriant growths of verdant tropical vegetation.   �No mountains or mountain ranges stretched themselves through this earthly paradise to give an irregular, jagged, yet soft and graceful skyline. Mountains had not yet been forced up from the bowels of the earth.�     Here I find myself more than a little perplexed, since Churchward has already spoken of the Pacific Islands as being part of this continent, and the South Sea Islands as already being extant!

But let us continue to follow his idyllic description a little further:  �The great rich land was intersected and watered by many broad, slow-running streams and rivers, which wound their sinuous ways in fantastic curves and bends around the wooded hills and through fertile plains.  Luxuriant vegetation covered the whole land with a soft, pleasing, restful mantle of green. bright and fragrant flowers on tree and shrub added colour and finish to the landscape.  Tall fronded palms fringed the ocean�s shores and lined the banks of the rivers for many miles inland...�      He goes on in his prosy style to remark upon �feathery ferns� and �shallow lakes bejewelled with sacred lotus flowers in emerald green settings� and of �gaudy-winged butterflies� and �tiny humming-birds....glistening like living jewels in the rays of the sun�.   

However, he eventually waxes less poetic, and gets down to cases regarding the lifeforms of Mu    He goes on to tell us that mighty mastodons and elephants roamed the primeval forests of Mu, and that the human population of the continent was 64,000,000 people. (or roughly the current population of the Philippines).  There was a great network of broad, smooth roads running in all directions, laid with smooth stones, so perfectly matched that no grass could grow between them!   (Shades of the masonry of the Mayans!)  The population was made up of ten tribes or peoples, each distinct from the others, but all under one, single government.  Could these have been different racial groups?   If so how can we split the basic three into ten?   Five races are about as many as one can reasonably go, without getting into purely national groupings!    However, these were apparently all of one nation.  The only other meaning could be similar to that which applied to the twelve tribes of Israel, but in what way were these Muians distinct from each other?   Surely this  must imply colour or racially physical differences?

The Empire of The Sun.
However, to move on.  They evidently had an emperor who bore the title of �Ra Mu� and the term �Ra� also represented their common Deity, an unseen God, whose name. (like the Hebrews) they were not allowed to speak, except through a symbol.  This symbol was �Ra The Sun� which represented the Deity�s attributes.  As their High Priest as well as their Emperor, Ra Mu was the human representative of their Deity in all religious matters.  However, everyone understood that Ra Mu was not to be worshipped, as he was only a figurehead - perhaps as Christ is a �figurehead� for Jahweh?  The people of Mu were highly civilized and intellectual.   �There was no savagery on the face of the earth, nor had there ever been�.   They were completely united under the sole sovereignty of their motherland - Mu,  �The Empire of The Sun�  and its laws and regulations.

Churchward goes on to mention that the white people were the dominant group on Mu, and in all probability, represented the priestly and patrician class of its population.   �Besides these�, he goes on to say, rather enigmatically, that �there were people of other races - people with yellow, brown or black skins.   They, however, did not dominate.�   This he culled from the Lhasa Record, among many others. According to these ancient manuscripts, the Muvians were great navigators and sailed all over the world - much as the Atlanteans are purported to have done, being also a great maritime nation.  They were also reputed to have been great builders, too; another thing they had in common with the Atlanteans!     (One is compelled to wonder whether these two groups, the Muvians and the Atlanteans were very closely related, or even simply �two sides of the same coin�, as it were!)   
The Lhasa Record also mentions that there were seven principal cities, which were the seats of religion, science and learning in Mu, scattered across the three lands (or ridges?),     This relates very closely to the seven Rishi cities of the subsequent Rama Empire which ruled India, and must obviously have been the original paradigm for that powerful nation, who were said to have come from Mu.   It�s interesting to contemplate the close similarity between �Ra Mu� and �Rama�, and, of course, the connection of the Sun-god name, Ra, both in Mu and later in Egypt, needs little or no explanation!     So it is evident that Mu must have had great colonial as well as commercial interests around much of the ancient world.    In fact, the Lhasa and other records are reported to state, categorically, that Muvian colonies had been set up in all parts of the world.      (I believe, as I�ve mentioned previously, that the Atlanteans themselves came from Mu to begin with, and were probably originally a colony of that nation until they seceded from this �Empire of The Sun�!    Surely, there are just too many similarities and parallels between the two nations for it to have possibly been otherwise!)   

From what can be gleaned from these records and Churchward�s interpretation of events,  it would seem that there were various exoduses of large groups of people of different races from Mu, during its long duration, and before its final destruction.   As I have mentioned in another article, a large contingent of the black population are said to have left Mu to seek a new homeland for themselves in Africa, and it appears that they travelled there by way of the then Amazonian Sea, which once filled the huge basin that is today the area occupied by the Amazon jungle.   Apparently this must have been prior to the upthrusting of the Andes -  an event that took place in the time of the forebears of the Mayans and Incas - as a canal led from the western coast of Peru into this inland sea, which was partly open to the Atlantic on its eastern side.   This isn�t so unreasonable to accept, when one considers that Lake Titicaca, which is now 13,000 feet above sea-level has the remnants of a man-made canal-sea-way running out of its western side, which once connected directly into the Pacific - at sea-level !       The uplifting of the mountain chains was by no means confined to pre-human geological eras! No doubt there were many other exoduses of groups of people, who for one reason or another, elected to set up their own separate nations elsewhere on the earth, outside of the jurisdiction of the Empire of The Sun.   There are always dissidents and malcontents in even the best-run countries, as well as people of a pioneering and independent spirit.  It was probably such a group who settled in the northern part of America and became the forerunners of the Red Men.   (I personally agree with Churchward, when he comments that too many scientists have vastly overrated the Bering Land Bridge and an alleged mass-migration of Mongoloids into America, via the Aleutians and Alaska!     With him, I also believe that the indigenous natives of America were never Mongols!)

The Destruction of Mu.
The final destruction of Mu came with disastrous suddenness.   Although there had been a danger-signal of sorts a couple of centuries earlier, in the southern region, when a great earthquake struck without warning, accompanied by volcanic outbursts (explosions of subterranean gas-chambers?) and huge tidal waves. The people eventually recovered from the shock and had rebuilt the ruined cities and resumed their trade.
This time, however, it was the real thing.  According to the ancient Troano Manuscript, the entire continent (or all three sectors of it) was suddenly shaken by mighty earthquakes, and �rolled and heaved like the ocean�s waves. The land trembled and shook like the leaves of a tree in a storm.  Temples and palaces came crashing to the ground and monuments and statues were overturned.   The cities became heaps of ruins....�     It then goes on to recount how the land rose and fell, quivered and shook, and that �the fires of the underneath� * burst forth, piercing the clouds in roaring flames, three miles in diameter!    (* No doubt Churchward�s much scorned �gas-chambers�. GF)  Then follows a general description of the sheer living hell that Mu became, under a thick pall of black smoke, with enormous tidal waves rolling in across the plains, destroying everything before them.  The agonized cries of the people filled the air as the red sun sank angrily below the dark horizon. �Mu, save us!�     During that hideous night, which was rent by huge lightning flashes and thunderous roarings, the doomed land sank into a great abyss of fire.   �Flames shot up around and enveloped her�......�Mu and sixty-four million people were sacrificed�! �As Mu sank into the gulf of fire�, says Churchward, �another force claimed her - fifty millions of square miles of water.   From all sides huge waves or walls of water came rolling in over her.  They met where once was the centre of the land (or lands?).  Here they seethed and boiled.  In this manner was the continent of Mu destroyed.    For nearly 13,000 years, the destruction of this great civilization cast a heavy pall of darkness over the greater part of the earth....� Churchward then goes on to explain how, after the cataclysm, ridges and points of land here and there, remained protruding out of the water, and these were thus made into islands, which were very jagged and broken by the volcanic activity beneath them.  All of them were covered by such people as had escaped the sinking of Mu, which was now a seething and steaming bed of muddy water all around them.    The waters gradually settled and became calm and �rested as if satisfied by their grim work of destruction, and this is the Pacific Ocean.  Was ever a name more ironically applied to anything on earth?�
Descent Into Savagery.
Then follows a woeful description of the pitiful plight of these survivors, who had been left destitute of all their shelter, clothing, tools -and, above all else - of food.  It was amid this dreadful scene of steaming waters and clouds of drifting ash and smoke, that most of them perished, and those few who remained took their first step backward into the dark depths of savagery as they finally found themselves having to resort to cannibalism in order to survive!
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