The Defilers (1965)
Rating: 1 1/2 Severed Heads
Let's travel back in history, back before pornography was available to anyone via the internet, and most movies bordered on almost puritanical... Sometime in the 1960's, there was a genre of films dubbed "Nudie-Cuties". The plots of these films were usually really sappy and silly and used anything as an excuse to show as many boobies as possible. The Defilers was deliberatly made as the antithesis to the nudie-cutie. The Defilers is the quintessential "roughie", a movie with nudity, but gritty and with violence playing a major part in the sexual themes.
The plot revolves around two rich kids who get their kicks by having pseudo-orgies and generally drowning in hedonistic desire (including, but not limted to smoking pot, which if you learned anything from
Reefer Madness, smoking pot turns you into a sadistic monster). When the kicks run out, they decide to kidnap a naive young girl who has just moved to Hollywood from the mid-west in hopes of becoming an actress/model. With stars clouding her vision, she follows the boys, who proceed to lock her in a warehouse and use her as their sex slave.
The Defilers has much more depth to it than a nudie-cutie, the only problem I have with The Defilers is the overall lack of much happening. Girl comes from small town to big city, Boys meet girl, Boys kidnap girl, Boys use girl as sex toy... that's about it.
I don't want to be too harsh on this movie though, becaue I can totally appreciate that at the time this was untred ground. While
The Defilers still whips a mule's behind with a belt (i.e. it's pretty good), I'd also recommend Day of the Nightmare as an example of a sexplotation film with a few more plot twists.
The Defilers is probably as disturbing as it was in 1965, so check it out.
What Has This Movie Taught Us?
-You only need to lock your front door in Hollywood when you go out at night or are sleeping
-Women enjoy being spanked once they try it
-A count
down go as follows: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6..."
-Loose nails sould always be properly nailed down to prevent injury
Memorable Moments:
02min- (singing) "Two girls for every boy..."
04min- A sign of things to come perhaps?
11min- If prematurely bald means what I think it does...yowza yowza yowza!
12min- "What's skinny dipping?" there's an excuse to show boobies
17min- An apartment in Hollywood for $55 a month! Not in this life time anyway.
19min- That parking lot is still there, only now it costs $15, not 25 cents
24min- I don't know who D.H. and B.B. are, but they apparantly love one another very much
39min- I always get undressed watching TV too
41min- Guess she's not "prematurely bald"
46min- How do I begin to describe how bad that moustache looks
53min- Creepy paintings of big-eyed kids
60min- Do you always sleep with your ass hanging out
61min- It's still cleaner than a Texaco restroom
63min- She is really naive!
65min- Jamison! Quit holding her!
Don't Quote Us On That:
Carl: "When are you going to learn that females have but one function in give men pleasure?!"

Carl: "There's only one thing in this whole crummy, square-infested life that counts...KICKS!"

"I'm the female of the species, remember? And I'll say
when, where, and how. And this place isn't my idea of where."

Jamison: "Sometimes I can't make heads or tails out of you."
Jamison's Date: "Which do you perfer?"

Carl's Father: "Now who the hell do you know who needs my chicken legs?!"
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