The Severed Arm (1975)
Rating: 3 Severed Heads
When six men go into an abandoned cave to collect rock samples (This is the real plot. Doesn't sound very smart, does it?) and are caught in a cave in, they must fend off starvation for two weeks. The only way to stay alive is to draw straws and eat one of the loser's appendages. When Ted loses they decide to take his arm, and wouldn't ya know it, right after they get it off, that's when they get rescued! Ted vows revenge on the other men, and five years later they all start showing up dead or mutilated. Now it's up to Mark and Jeff (who would make a good Abraham Lincoln impersonator with the right hat) and Ted's daughter, to locate Ted before he strikes again.
This movie has a pretty original plot and a lot of twists and turns. But that doesn't keep it from having moments where time slows down and you end up staring at your feet for a couple minutes. But the rest of the movie more than makes up for it.
The Severed Arm is also pretty neat in the fact that it's kind of a Proto-Slasher movie, coming before Halloween and on the heels of Black Christmas and Silent Night, Bloody Night. And despite it's lack of real gore, The Severed Arm relies more on the psycological aspects of Slashers, best demonstrated by the stalking scenes.
If you have the patience of a doorknob, just try to hang on to this one till the end. You'll thank us later.

What Has This Movie Taught Us?
-Radio personalities are high in cholesterol
-A note saying that you'll be next, does not always indicate that you will be next
-Sharp objects are not the only thing you can use to cut off an arm
-Some people celebrate Christmas differently
Memorable Moments:
01min- Now what do you suppose is in that box?
10min- Good job Herman
13min- That's a lot of beard growth, even for two weeks
21min- That music sounds like the fireworks when you jump over the flagpole
            on Super Mario Bros. (God I'm old...)
28min- Wasn't his suit red?
29min- Now it's red again
34min- That was a little confusing
49min- This would be comic relief... if it were funny
50min- What the hell was that all about?
62min- Yeah, give him the address, what a great idea!
73min- That was a waste of 5 minutes
86min- I wish she'd floss between her teeth
Don't Quote Us On That:
"I once wrote a short story about a group of sailors who were lost at sea for sixty days. Know how        they kept alive?
"Nope. They ate the weakest member of the crew."

"You're talking about cannibalism!"
"He's talking about survival!"
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