Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)
Rating: 4 1/2 Severed Heads
Following where Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla left off, Terror of Mechagodzilla opens on a team of scientists searching for the broken off head of Mechagodzilla. But their search is cut short when their submarine is attacked by a giant dinosaur called Titanosaurus. Also, it seems that Mechagodzilla's creators have beaten them to finding the head, as the Simian aliens of The Thrid Planet of the Blackhole return to rebuild Mechagodzilla to try and conquer the Earth yet again (this time, they actually give their intentions for wanting to conquer Earth. They find major cities like Tokyo too polluted and confusing so they want to destroy it, then turn it into somthing like the city from The Jetsons). So with the help of the doctor and his duaghter who control Titanosaurus, the aliens release the two monsters to square off against Godzilla. So where as Mechagodzilla was outnumbered by Godzilla and King Seesar in the last film, Godzilla is at the same disadvantage, taking on Mechagodzilla and Titanosarus...payback is a bitch.
Slightly superior to the first Mechagodzilla film in just about every way, the only strange thing is why the aliens of the Third Planet of the Blackhole have gained helmets that would make Marvin the Martian envious, but have lost the trait of turning into monkeys when killed or injured.
The last film in the original Godzilla series; and what a strange film to go out on...
What Has This Movie Taught Us?
-One hour on a airplane is worse than a thousand hours of spaceflight
-Two Mechagodzilla heads are better than one
-Aliens are quite fond of maniacal laughter
-Pigtails and a schoolgirl skirt indicate the youth of a Japanese girl
-True love between a man and a cyborg (pre-
Blade Runner) is possible
Memorable Moments:
00min- For those of you who didn't see Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla, here's your recap
10min- You people live in the land of giant monsters. This suprises you why?
32min- That's actually three emotions
34min- She has a real bad luck with getting electrocuted by machines
36min- Why does that alien sound like a Nazi?
53min- He's about to be accosted by The Hives! (That's destined to be a dated joke)
61min- Does revolving make the missiles better in some way? And was that Groundskeeper Willie                  talking in the background?
73min- The last alien who got strangled like this turned into a monkey
76min- They're impervious to bullets? When did this happen?!
Don't Quote Us On That:
Ichinose: "Who are you anyway?"
Alien Leader Mugal:
"The second coming. We've come to save this planet Earth from the Earth-men who are                                    destroying it."

Katsura: "I may look like a girl but I'm not, I'm a cyborg!"

"Even if you're a cyborg, Katsura, I still love you."
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