Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (1965)
Rating: 3 Severed Heads
We didn't think it was possible, but we've found a film about a rocketship landing on Venus that's schlockier than First Spaceship on Venus. To put it brief, Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet is really a sight to behold. In the year 2020, a bunch of nincompoop astronauts travel to the surface of the planet Venus while being lead from a distance by Professor Hartman (Basil Rathbone) on Lunar Base 7. When two astronauts & their annoying robot are stranded on Venus, it's up to the rest of the bumbling dolts to save them. On the surface, they find that Venus is alive with cheesy dinosaurs, lizard men, and a man-eating flower. Pieced together from a Russian sci-fi flick and some new undubbed English-speaking footage, this movie is so schlock it hurts! The english dialouge written for it is just unbelievably weird! And just try to watch this without saying, "Marcia Marcia Marcia!"
Another B-movie gem from the god-like Roger Corman!
What Has This Movie Taught Us?
-Physical conditions on Venus are the same as Earth
-A torn space suit on Venus causes a nasty infection
-Astronauts wear showercaps under their helmets
-Women of the future wear white pancake makeup on their faces
-Submarines submerge by pulling a bathtub plug on the bottom
-With triplets, numbers are easier than names
-Basil Rathbone usually has to stand with his leg on something
Memorable Moments:
01min- Is that a flying sparkplug?
05min- It's a robot, not a zombie you dolt!
16min- You didn't appear very weightless before
17min- Venus sounds annoying
22min- Forgot to tell them? Fire her!
23min- Man, these lizard men are easy to kill!
30min- That robot needs to cut his toenails
33min- Mathematics! That's your answer for everything!
37min- Not the most dexterous robot, is it
38min- Wish I had an Astro-Gun
50min- They built this city on rock n' roll
51min- If you're either of these, call us at Greater Relations
56min- And you had to get a better look
Don't Quote Us On That:
"There's no fair or unfair to a metorite. You get hit, you die."

"The spot of red could be Hades."

"I can't imagine any people in their right mind exploring planet Venus"
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