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  • Here are some definitions before we can get into our simulation. These definitions will make our users more familiar with subjects. These definitions will be getting larger day by day.

    Algorithm : A method of showing the steps of calculations. These steps should be mechanically followed and must be ended in a certain period.

  • Model: Method of showing something, system, incident, or a period in mathematical and logical way.

  • Simulation : A method of showing the model with representetive tools.

  • Verification, Validation and Accreditation : Verification is a technic of of evaluation in order to meet the needs of the certain point in project step which is decided in planning process in order to succeed the project.

  • Validation: A significant paper of an evident that project is at the correct stage.

  • Accreditation:  Compatibility evaluation of beta product.

  • Simulation type: Showing the way of representing the real objects, and the cohersion of representing object with the other objects, In reality, the simulations used with real human beings is called real simulation.
    The real human beings using simulated items like simulatiors called Virtual simulation. The simulated human beings used with simulated objects with a certain method of gaming or evaluation is called constructive simulation.
    The type that simulated human beings using the real systems is called Fourth Type Simulation. If there is no cohersion of human-system in a constructive simulation then it is called Closed Simulation. If this cohersion is used in simulation then this simulation is called Open Simulation.

  • Conceptual Model : A technic definition of objects, the media that objects will occupy or a period that model will be used in simulation is called conceptual model.

  • Onthology: The definitions of simulated objects, the sharing of media or actions in software is called Onthology.

  • Online Verifier: A unit that inspects the compatibility of specifications entered and watches the actions.

  • Digital Map: A map or mathematical representing of geographical and man-made objects regarding the vertical and horizontal scale.

  • Flight Simulator: A real time simulator of a movement at a certain speed , height and starting position over a digital map.

  • System Models: The dataof various types of human beings and tools in computer media which are prepared by engineering calculations.

  • A Unit : The group of people, number of weapon in different types wich are gathered together according to a tactical and organizational structure.

    Various Abbreviations

    DTED :  Digital Terrain Elevation Data.
    TBF: Tactical Ballistic Missile
    UTM: Universal Tansverse Mercator.
    SAM: Surface to Air Missile
    ASM: Air to Surface Missile.
    NBC: Nuclear, Biological, chemical.


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