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Probation for ex-coach in attempted sex assault : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News Go to the mobile version of this Web site. Login | Contact Us | Site Map | Paid archives | Alerts | Electronic edition | Advertise | Machine Sex Videos Subscribe to the gay sex guide paper | Today's Extras Rocky Mountain News Home Breaking News & Updates Weather Photos Videos Broncos Politics Blogs Obituaries Stocks Your Space News Breaking News & Updates Local Nation World Weather Traffic Education Politics Election 2008 Obituaries Special Reports Columns & Blogs Business Tech & Telecom Money & Markets Airlines & Aerospace Real Estate Energy Health Care Retail Skiing & Tourism More Business Special Reports Columns & Blogs Sports Broncos Avalanche Nuggets Rockies Rapids College Fun & Fantasy Racing Olympics Golf More Sports Rocky Preps Special Reports Columns & Blogs Entertainment Movies TV Music Art & Architecture Theater Dining Nightlife Books Fun & Games Events More Entertainment Special Reports Columns & Blogs Living Health & Fitness Fashion Food Home & Garden More Living Special Reports Columns & Blogs Outdoors Mountain Activities Escapes Hunting & Fishing Skiing & Snowboarding Camping Hiking More Outdoors Special Reports Columns & Blogs Opinion Editorials Letters to the Editor Speakout Poll Archive Special Reports Columns & Blogs Multimedia Audio & Podcasts Front Page Gallery Photos Photo store Videos Wallpaper Webcams Special Reports Jobs Autos Real Estate Classifieds Shop Across the presidential divide Join the discussion | Tina Griego Obama and the 'angry mob' Join the discussion | RockyTalk Live It's no mystery - the defense didn't do it Join the discussion | Dave Krieger Obama and the ‘angry mob’ Join the discussion | RockyTalk Live Slater puts his heads together in 'Enemy' Join the discussion | Mike Pearson Coffman: Times ‘out to lunch’ on purge allegation Join the discussion | RockyTalk Live Broncos Defense a No Show Join the discussion | Drew Litton ACORN in hot water elsewhere, not in Colorado Join the discussion | RockyTalk Live All that good karma flips to Jaguars' side Join the discussion | Bernie Lincicome Governor calls shots on lowering flags Join the discussion | Mike Rudeen Breaking News: Standoff ends in Denver neighborhood Police find missing Denver teen Stock futures point to huge rebound on Wall Street today Dozens of Muslim workers fired in Swift free girl sex sites dispute still seeking jobs Legislative panel: Palin abused authority Katrina evacuee gets life in prison for Centennial murder Fire officials fear winds will spread LA wildfire Iraq: Christian thailand sex tour businessman killed in Mosul 2 blazes in 2 days kill 7 in NYC; 4 are children Recovery, ruin visible in Texas a month after Ike SKorea considering expanding inter-Korean projects China dairy sued over infant's toxic milk death Home › News › Local News Probation for ex-coach in attempted sex assault Amy Hamilton, The Daily Sentinel Published October 7, 2008 at 9:24 a.m. Updated October 7, 2008 at 9:24 a.m. Text size   13 Comments Email Print Former Central High School girls basketball coach and business teacher Matthew Lindholm was sentenced sex slaves Monday to five years intensive probation after previously pleading guilty to a felony charge of

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attempted sexual assault of a student allme sex stories during the 2007 school year. He must also register as a sex offender. Lindholm, 33, confessed to kissing and fondling a 14-year-old female student who played basketball. Family members and friends of the victim, along with members of Lindholm’s family, appeared at Monday’s emotional hearing. The victim’s mother told Mesa County District Judge Richard Gurley that Lindholm’s actions severed ties between her and the teenager, and also damaged the teen’s relationships with her friends and others on the basketball team. "I always wanted to believe Sex After Hystertomy children are safe," the victim’s mother said. "(She) was taken advantage of. He manipulated her into thinking her life should revolve around him. Mr. Lindholm stole these years away from (her) and me." For more on this story, visit The Daily Sentinel by clicking here. Subscribe to the Rocky Mountain News Share What is this? Comments October 7, 2008 9:53 a.m. Suggest removal Who_Me writes: Let's see, the sex offender registry did what to protect this girl? Ummm, nothing, just like it does for virtually 100% of everyone. Register all teachers and coaches now, apparently not all of them understand what appropriate boundaries are. celebrity sex tape At this rate, it's just a matter of time before everyone does it. October 7, 2008 10:01 a.m. Suggest removal psu96 writes: Who me.... you are proving just how dumb some people are October 7, 2008 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal davies writes: No defense for Lindholm's actions here, but Womens Disire To Have Sex I have a hard time understanding playable free sex games how his "actions severed ties between... (the mother) and the teenager". I sure hope Mommy isn't just trying to turn this to her profit. The quote "Mr. Lindholm stole these years away from (her) and me" makes me suspect that she thinks there is money to be made... October 7, 2008 10:52 a.m. Suggest removal Lknight writes: I've teen sex had Online Animated Sex Games To Play the same situation recently with a 33 year old man trying to drive a wedge between me and my daughter. Adults that age have had plenty free homemade sex videos of practice and know the right things to say to make a parent seem like the unreasonable one because of course the pedophile is the one who see her for what she really is "a woman who is mature for her age". 'In another time or in a different country they would have been allowed to wed, it's just society that is messed up" Obviously her family is just treating her like a child. It's hard mend a relationship with your daughter after that kind of brainwashing by Pinay Sex Videos Pics an abuser. I wouldn't blame her for suing him, clearly the criminal legal system didn't work maybe he'll get the messege when he's broke! October 7, 2008 11 a.m. needforchange writes: (This comment was removed by the site staff.) October 7, 2008 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal subsea39 writes: this jerk should be behind bars for a very long time! had it been my daughter going to prison would have been a very nice way to spend his days after i got done with him! so much for putting trust into the school system and the legal systen as well! October 7, 2008 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal SassyFox writes: xybernut: It says that he must register as a sex offender....not that he was already registered.... October 7, 2008 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal Romanesco writes: Not to be insensitive, but what's her side of black gay sex the story? October 7, 2008 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal Darling writes: The child must not have been a good witness for the prosecution, or else he'd not have been allowed to plead down. October 7, 2008 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal happymike44 writes: This guy should have spent some time in jail. Children deserve to be safe and free of molesters bothering them. To bad I am sure some of his new roomies would have made him feel right at home. So now he will go free to attempt to harm or molest another young child. To bad his plea agreement doesn't allow for a little granny sex pics chemical castration. October 7, 2008 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal Gillian writes: Blah, more idiots with idiotic opinions. October 7, 2008 1:34 p.m. Suggest removal LeftyLady writes: Probation?! I do not understand our justice system. My brother went to jail for four months for having 20 dead pot plants in his basement and this child molester gets probation! I'm afraid to let my daughter out of the house. October 7, 2008 5:10 p.m. Suggest removal smudge4 writes: Probation!!!!! He pled guilty Bottled Water Drinkers Sex to a Federal charge! Get another judge to rule, because Judge Gurley blew it! Did Judge Gurley begin his legal career in katie price sex tape Weld County by any chance? I hope the girl sues for the costs which are and will be incurred for a life time of therapy, probable medications, and multiple future health issues related to this one person's actions. October 7, 2008 7:30 p.m. Suggest removal needforchange writes: Are you kidding me? I call Davies and Idiot and my comment gets removed? Or was it me say we should castrate this guy and stick him in jail for a long time. As for the dumb ___ that wants to know the 14 year olds story and not seem insensative... SHE WAS 14! HE WAS 30 something... she is an impressionable and he an adult...that is the story. Perhaps you are an idiot too. Post your comment Registration is required. Click here to create your free user account, or login below. Comments are the sole responsibility of the person posting them. You agree not to post comments that are off topic, defamatory, obscene, abusive, threatening or an invasion of privacy. Violators may be banned. Click here for our full user agreement. 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Content ID: Field: | xxx sex News | Grand jury indicts 2 Oral Sex With Best Friend men in separate sex cases — Baton Rouge, LA SEARCH: Local Events Classifieds Advocate Archives GO Advocate Live Edition Public Notices Legislature Acts Home News Business Sports Weather Traffic Features Entertainment Calendars Video Weddings Classifieds WBRZ Advocate Obituaries Monday, October 13, 2008 Advocate Live Edition | Newsletters | Text Alerts | Mobile Site | RSS Feeds 2theadvocate > News NEWS Grand jury indicts 2 men in separate sex cases Advocate home made sex movies River parishes bureau Published: Oct 7, 2008 - Page: 4B - UPDATED: 12:05 a.m. Comments (0) Print Email Save Share Digg Facebook Reddit GONZALES — An Ascension Parish grand jury indicted two men on sex-related charges in separate cases, said Tony Falterman, district attorney of the 23rd Judicial District. Jerome Williams, 47, of Prairieville, was indicted on aggravated rape,

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second-degree kidnapping and second-degree robbery. The indictment stems from an investigation by the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office in a May incident when Williams allegedly attacked a pizza delivery woman, Falterman Sex Priceless said in a news release Monday. The investigating detective and the victim testified during the grand jury proceedings, Falterman said. Williams is being held at the Avoyelles Marksville Detention Center with his bond set at $225,000, the district attorney said. In a second, unrelated indictment, Charles McCoy, 73, of Amite, was indicted on two counts of aggravated incest and two counts kinky sex club of aggravated rape. The incidents allegedly occurred over the past seven years, Falterman said, beginning

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