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Safe sex? - Editorial / Opinion The Daily Collegian College Publisher Network Join the College Publisher Network Advertise Across the Network View Network Affiliates Select your search method Search Search This Paper Search Web 2008 better sex Woodie Awards Vote Absentee Music Jobs Top College News Money The Daily Collegian Front Page Home pedo sex stories > Editorial / Opinion Safe sex? Greg Collins, Collegian Columnist Issue date: 10/7/08 Section: Editorial / Opinion Print Email Page lesbian sex porn 1 of 2 next > "To the left, you will see the Student Union, representing one of the most vibrant and diverse student bodies in the country. On the right, you will see, uh, a Male Anal Sex Movies collection of tents organized by Trojan Condom, an aspect of UMass Amherst's comprehensive safe sex education program." I could just imagine what tour Full Length Sex guides were thinking of saying as I saw them lead prospective UMass students around campus last Wednesday. This was on the same day that the popular condom company, Trojan Condom, parked an 18-wheeler in the middle of Amature Uk Sex Video the library lawn, with its huge company logo capable of being seen from far away. Trojan Condom set up tents on the grass, where bananas representing penises and electro sex condoms were in plain sight of passers-by, including tour groups. This display, authorized by UMass Health Services and the administration, was deeply offensive. Sex is a topic best left to be his first gay sex discussed in private environments, such as between children and parents, patients and doctors, and clergymen jessica alba sex scene and church-goers. Why? First Sex Pistols T Shirts and foremost, sex is a serious act with serious consequences for those who do it irresponsibly and for those future human beings who will be born as a result from this irresponsibility. It goes without saying that the possible consequences not only include contracting venereal diseases, but they also include being forced to quit school in order to support a child and having to raise a baby in a fatherless household. Given these realities, the question begs - does modern-day safe sex education, including public school teaching of

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contraceptive usage, university promotion of public condom displays and the general portrayal of sex in a light-hearted manner, actually work? That is, have out of wedlock births and STDs decreased due to safe sex education? In general, do teenagers and college students make more responsible sexual decisions after being exposed to comprehensive sex education? I have issued the challenge in the past to University Health Services and VOX, Students For Choice on campus, to reveal data demonstrating that modern day safe sex-ed has a direct impact on the reduction of STDs and out of wedlock births. Continued... Page 1 of 2 next > Article Tools Share: Facebook Blogger digg newsvine Subscribe: My Yahoo! Google The Massachusetts Daily same sex marriage why bad Collegian has an 'open door' policy with regards to reader comments. In the interest of facilitating an open discourse, comments are not screened or edited hard sex tube for spelling, mechanics or content. Comments on our website cannot be Doll Face Sex verified by 3d Sex Games Free The sex vidoes Collegian and in no way represent the opinions of The Massachusetts Daily Collegian or its staff. Viewing Comments 1 - 10 of 48 Read calories burned during sex all 48 comments Phil S posted 10/07/08 shemale sex @ 6:56 AM EST Hey buddy, Haven't you got something better to complain about? Keepin that VCard in check huh? Details farm sex   Reply to this comment brucey posted 10/07/08 @ 9:53 AM EST this isn't the 1960's. stop playing dungeons and dragons and go get laid. Details   Reply to this comment Kathleen W posted 10/07/08 @ 9:59 AM EST Greg is not complaining he is just stating facts. Greg said; " First and foremost, sex is a serious act with serious consequences for those who do it irresponsibly and anal sex positions for those future human beings who will be born as a result from this irresponsibility. (Continued…) Details   Reply to this comment Lindsay posted 10/07/08 @ 1:16 PM EST I can't believe how skewed mother daughter sex your facts are. It has been proven time and again that sex-ed works. Scare tactics, and abstinence only programs have failed horrible. (Continued…) Details   Reply to this comment Dustin posted

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10/07/08 @ 1:26 PM EST I'm a little confused on the way he seems to refer to babies being born out of wedlock as an issue. I think the issue he means is "unplanned pregnancy". (Continued…) Details   Reply to this comment Nicole Collins (Greg's sister) posted 10/07/08 @ 6:24 PM EST Editorials like this are an annual favorite of Greg's- complain about sex infiltrating the "public sphere," free amature sex corrolate trends that really weren't meant to corrolate, and end with some good ol' moral condescention. (Continued…) (1 reply)   Details   Reply to this comment Samantha Collins (Gregory's other sister) posted 10/07/08 @ 8:07 PM EST "Everything cheap sex toys about the world is sex- And it's a message, of popular culture- Telling sex video all our children how to do it right" (Dishwalla) Gregory, it is impossible to take sex out of the public eye. (Continued…) Details sex facts   Reply to this comment Ana posted 10/07/08 @ 9:35 PM EST I think this is hilarious, I am live in Utah and for many reasons had lesbian sex tips to go to school in Orem which is the capital for crazy kids quoting scriptures because they're so religious. (Continued…) Details   Reply to toon sex this comment HLM posted 10/08/08 @ 12:14 AM sex terms EST Wow. I have NEVER paige davis sex tape seen two sisters come on board and rip their own brother a new one. Great stuff. Greg, you have written the same column for the last two years . (Continued…) Details   Reply to this comment LIBRUL posted 10/08/08 @ 1:07 AM EST GREG Y R U SO STUPID Y DO sex chat U HAFTA GO TELLIN PEOPLE HOW 2 LIVE Y CANT U JUST LIVE N LET LIVE LOL U KNO JUST LET PEOPLE DO WHAT THEY WANT EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE LOL PEOPLE ARE BASICALLY GOOD

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AND SEX IS ALWAYS GOOD FOR EVERYONE AND WE HAVE A RIGHT TO HAVE SEX WITH WHOEVER WE WANT AND WE HAVE A RIGHT TO HAVE AS MUCH SEX AS WE WANT ITS WRONG TO PLACE RESTRICTIONS ON Sex Positions While Pregnant HUMAN steak and cheese sex APPETITES EXCEPT FOR FUEL, FOOD, SLEEP, AND WEALTH GREG GO HAVE SEX WITH SOMEONE ANYONE I DONT CARE WHO HAVE SEX WITH SOME GUYZ EVEN FOR ALL I CARE LOL CUZ WUT U DO adult sex stories DUZZNT AFFECT ME LOLOL sex dates LMAO U R STUCK IN THE PAST ITS NOT 1950 LOL LOL Details   Reply to this comment Post a Comment Name: (required) Email: (required) NOTE: Email address will not be published Website: Notify me of followup comments via e-mail Email notify will not work because you are not currently logged in. Click here to quickly login or create a free account. Type your comment below (html not allowed)   I am not posting spam. I understand posting spam or other comments that are unrelated to this article will cause my comment to be flagged for deletion and possibly cause my IP address to be permanently banned from this server. News Police face civilian replacement Cyclops comes to University Pacemakers secured Success for UM grad Arts & Living Slim romps the Iron Horse Altman's creativity highlights festival 'The Scottish Play' Bird produces sweet songs Editorial / Opinion 'Grannies' are all the rage Who are you calling stupid, stupid? The road to better roads Get on the party zeppelin Sports UM begins A-10 play Minutewomen have tough tests at Rudd this weekend UMass takes on URI Richmond in town Features The 'Devine' father of local blogging National College Advertising and Marketing | Privacy Policy (8/15/07) | Terms of Use (4/28/08) Content Submission Agreement (8/23/07) | Copyright Compliance Free Jetsons Sex Cartoons Policy (8/25/07) | RSS Terms of Use Advertisement Poll This free online sex videos month, UMass Chaplain Kent Higgins was reprimanded by the vivica fox sex video University for offering credits to students for their participation in the sex quiz Obama campaign. Should a state university offer credits to students for partisan campaigning? Yes -- it encourages educated citizenship. No -- it compromises the University's ethic. It's all the same to me. Submit Vote View Results 24 Hour Nude Sex Scenes News Advertisement Interact Login Email Edition About Us Forums Podcasts Syndication Letter to the Editor Classifieds Ad Rates Archives Search Special Issues The Score 2007 Online UMass YakBack Blogs Sports Blog Arts & Living Blog Ed-Op Blog Links UMass Amherst Amherst Wire CampusLIVE College Publisher Print PDF Collegian Partners Sovereign Bank © The Daily Collegian Powered by College Publisher College Publisher powered by mtvU and MTV Networks

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