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Milano said he owes city taxpayers an explanation for the behavior of former patrolman Christopher Donovan, 36 of Winsted, who resigned in June after it was revealed he had been having sex Onslow County Nc Sex Offenders with two female dispatchers while panty sex on duty. The two Oral Sex Big Dicks civilian dispatchers, Catherine Goodfield, 41, and Jennifer Street, 23, also resigned lesbian teacher sex young soon after an internal investigation was launched. "I have to real home made sex videos apologize to gay sex galleries them for the conduct of these three former employees," Milano said Thursday. "They deserve that for their money and they deserve the commitment that we are taking steps to curb" similar incidents. He blamed the Nick Lachey Sex Video incident on flawed individuals, not a flawed department. "There is no cultural corruption here," he said. Milano said he accepts personal responsibility for the incident as chief and has taken steps to prevent something similar from occurring. But Milano's bigger challenge in the short term may be reassuring the public that his officers are trustworthy. The chief said that when details of the incident hit local newspapers Thursday, he imagined citizens looking at every police car and wondering if the person behind the wheel was having sex on company time. "My major role now is to make changes to help ensure this will never happen again and put this behind us," he said. An internal investigation revealed that Donovan had been having sexual trysts in the police headquarter's female locker room and various locations around town, including the Torrington Middle School parking lot. He and the dispatchers traded flirtatious underage sex and sometimes obscene remarks while at work, using an internal messaging system. Milano said the incident vanessa hudgens sex tape caused him to accelerate a planned reshuffling. He added a second captain's position, which allowed him to remove such administrative duties as scheduling and accounting for overtime from front crazy sex line sergeants. "It freed free sex sites up sergeants to check up on officers, to make sure if you are on your lunch break, you're on your lunch break and not in the female locker room," he said. The department is also spot checking recordings of phone calls and message traffic to look for signs of abuse. While the investigation centered on Donovan and the dispatchers, it also uncovered that other officers had used the messaging system to trade inappropriate comments. The other gay sex videos officers received verbal warnings, the report said. The department recently hired several officers, which, after training has been completed, will bring it up to a full complement of 81. Milano said he has covered the shifts of the two dispatchers with part-time workers and is looking to hire several more dispatchers. Subscribers can read more in the e-edition. Login here Comments » 1 comment(s) » Show Comments » Hide Comments minbari wrote on Sep 19, 2008 6:49 AM: " As many Torrington residents know, Torrington police are very incompetent and unprofessional. This incident is just the tip of the iceberg. If Chief Milano is truly sorry, he should resign. " Report Abuse Registered users: *Member ID: *Password: Remember login? (requires cookies)   Not a member yet? Sign up now! requires users to register before commenting on stories but it's quick and it's free, so what are you waiting for?! Do not use usernames or passwords from your financial accounts! 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