Stuff & Nonsense
Jack Frost incorporates several traditional folk tales in its script. Father Frost is a popular Russian hero and the witch "Baba Yaga" appears in many different Slavic stories.
In one, Nastenka's Stepmother is actually Baba Yaga's sister. And it is she who sends Nastia to the witch to be eaten. Unlike the movie, the cat helps the girl escape.

Riffs Explained
Hildegard Von Bingen, unplugged" - Mike
At a time when women were not afforded much in the way of a voice, Hildegard Von Bingen (1098-1179) stood out as the exception. She is known primarily as was a writer of ethereal music, which was inspired by visions. For a fuller biography, Click Here
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813: First Broadcast - 5pm Saturday, July 15th 1997

Excellence Level: Best in Show
Movie Pain: Medium - spacy and wild.
Riffing: Absolute perfection
Skits: Solid, good humor

I remember the first time I saw this I was slacked jawed in awe over the sheer genius of it all. When Kevin quotes from the Bible after a rooster crows� �Peter must be walking around denying everyone this morning�, not only did I laugh till it hurt but I thought to myself, �Who else comes up with this kind of material, who on TV writes comedy this sharp and clever?� In a world of sitcoms that take the easy shots, MST3K cut deeper, weaved their quips deftly with masterful phrasing that simply amazed me. These guys could do a funny poop joke sure, but more often than not wrote comedy that was aimed straight for the brain pan, it was smart (which is why I get a little disappointed with these guys heavy reliance on the bluer material on the Rifftrax project)
    Jack Frost is as funny as anything ever done in the annals of the show.... No, check that I feel it's the funniest thing I've seen on TV, ever! It's the kind of strange acid trip type of a film that I LOVE. Chock full of witches who live in dancing houses, mushroom elves, bearded thugs, mean stepmothers and a strong guy who turns into a bear and scares small children. Confused? Good, that's half the fun. The other is the strong riffing....

"Every time I meet a man, he's either gay or a bear" - Mike

    Ahh the memory of it is sheer joy. Not only that but the leading lady, Nastenka "Ms. Jackson if you're Nasty", is the kind of doe eyed babe you can't help but want to take in your arms and snuggle. Or, maybe that's just my sickness. As Mike says..."I enjoy watching peoples mental illness".


Host Segments
Intro: Mike Nelson is the Lord of the Dance Segment 1: Pearl is away and has left Observer and Bobo alone. The two fight about who's in charge and body odor Segment 2: Yakov Smirnoff, played by prop-master Patrick Brantseg, is brought in to explain the film Segment 3: Crow is turned into a bear, while Bobo and Brain guy bash Pearl Segment 4: Earl Torgeson, a butcher in Sanford, Maine, who specializes in old-world sausages, gives us the scoop on the movie End: Servo makes an attempt at wide eye'd adorableness, and Bobo & Brain Guy argue about ape films. Mike and Pearl offer their 2 cents Stinger: Ugly Stepsister wants a man, now!

Notable Riffs
*"I didn't know there were any land mines left in Narnia." - Servo
*"I enjoy watching people's mental illness." - Mike.
*"I'm bacon!" - Mike (as pig-sleigh)
*"Is this true love or just a kidnapping?" - Servo
*"Jack Frost opened fire on a stand of willows today." - Mike
*"Mmm. Liver on a stick." - Crow
*"I have terminal enchantment right now." - Crow
*"Quick, give him Dutch Elm disease!" - Crow
*"I thought Jerry Garcia was Father Mushroom?" - Crow
*"She's imprinting on the geese." - Servo
*"So the first plot point involves knitting socks? I think we're in for quite a ride guys." - Mike
*"The world's thrown into chaos, earthquakes, fires, but that's fine, you knit your sock." - Servo
*"You know, Mike, I don't think I like evil Russo-Finnish grandmas." - Crow
*"It's the "Seven Dwarfs": Filthy, Rotting, Lousey, Skankey, Scabby, Septic and... Doc." - Crow
*"This is a test of the emergency broadcast chicken." - Crow
*"How long will you go on watering it?" - "I mean, how dumb are you?" - Ivan/Crow
*"Nastenka, will you marry me?" - "Um, I'm nine!" - Ivan/Servo
*"With Retsin... Again, with Retsin... Retsin!" - Crow
*"You are a Queen." - In that you look like Freddie Mercury." - Mean Stepmother/Crow
*"So he lives in a sort of Christian-Pagan Funhouse." - Crow
*"Mom, I married a Beefeater." - Servo as Nastinka
*"False alarm, it's only Bjork." - Mike
*"A movie that dares to ask the question... Will he find the Dwarf?!" - Crow

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