Last Update:
October 17th, 2009

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* Notice! My website host is closing on Oct 26th, I'm switching over to a new one and there will be a redirect to that address. But it will take me a while to convert all those links. So navigation could be bumpy for a while. Sorry for the inconvenience.

10/17/09 - New Rifftrax review: Dragon Wars With Kevin and Bill

10/7/09 - New Rifftrax review: Matric Revolutions

9/24/09 - New shorts: What It Means to be an American and The Case of Tommy Tucker

9/16/09 - New shorts: Teenagers on Trial and Cork, Crashed and Curiosity

8/29/09 - New Shorts: Constance Bennett's Daily Beauty Rituals and Flying Stewardess

8/18/09 - Rifftrax short: The Tale of Moose Baby

8/9/09 - Rifftrax review: Fast & Furious

6/29/09 - Rifftrax short: Wing Claw and Fang!

6/26/09 - Rifftrax review: The Room

6/23/09 - 2 shorts reviews: The Bill of Rights and Shake Hands With Danger

6/19/09 - New shorts: Back to School with Joan Miller and Highway Mania

6/6/09 - New Trax: Red Dawn With Joel McHale

6/26/09 - New Trax: Ghost with Cole Stratton & Janet Varney

6/11/09 - New review: Voodoo Man

6/4/09 - New review: Casablanca

5/31/09 - Updated the site with a bunch of Rifftrax reviews... Toward Emotional Maturity, Alcohol Trigger Films, Tron with Johnathan Coulton, Paul & Storm and Planet of Dinosaurs

5/15/09 - I updated the trivia on S.F. International, concerning Mike's riff... "Is this anyway to run a TV movie..."

5/8/09 - Two more shorts: "What About Juvenile Delinquency?" and "Snap Out of It"

5/1/09 - Two shorts... Damaged Goods and Cooking Terms

4/23/09 - Hilarious new trax... Twilight and a decent attack on The Empire Strikes Back

4/20/09 - From Rifftrax: a short You and Your Family and new from Matthew J. Elliott Die Hard

4/2/09 - New shorts Going Steady and As We Like It

3/30/09 - New trax short Understanding Your Ideals

3/25/09 - New Cinematic Titanic review: Blood of the Vampires

12/1 - Added "Stuff & Nonsense" info on the actress who played Rita for the Fugitive Alien page and I've updated the Green Slime page

12/14 - I've added the newest and final mythic season article, check out Season 14 for more movies I wish MST3K would have covered.

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Turkey Volume Guessing Man's Little Known Truths

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