Stuff and Nonsense
Daniel Bernhardt (Tool) was discovered by the same guy who gave Jean Claude Van Damme his start in film. Daniel can also be seen in the "Matrix: Reloaded" as Agent Johnson (whose big scenes come during the "traffic fight").

Riff Explained
"Kim Wilde could do a video here"
Kim had a hit in the 80's with the song, "Kids in America". That foggy, dark scene with the boxes looks like one of her early videos.

"Chuck Wepner's point of view" - Crow.
Chuck was a journeyman boxer who once went 15 rounds with Ali. Riff is said when screen turns red. You see, Wepner was known as the "Bayonne Bleeder".

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Available on DVD: Volume 13

1004: First Broadcast - 11 pm Sunday, April 25th 1999

Excellence Level: Silver
Movie Pain: Medium - Senseless and cheap
Riffing: Solid, good humor
Skits: Good solid humor as well

Former hooker turned Nun aids a runaway tool, Jean Claude Gosh Darn, in his battle against forced perspective dinosaurs. This wasn't one of my favorites when it first aired, but I watched it again recently and like fine wine it has aged well.
     Nice riffing includes shots launched at the big hungry guys -You'll laugh out loud when one of them falls on the "Tool"- and a pew-full of Church base quips - Crow has our Nun getting angry when the Vatican doesn't pay its phone bill and Servo has her wondering if Jesus was a kickboxer - The movie itself offers many improbable moments for the guys to work with: Like our Nun and her scrapbook of shame, Fred Buroughs, Tools 'on again/off again' bloody scars, Robert Z' Dar as a swollen Freddie Mercury and the directors love of empty boxes.
     Funny Host Segments give us Droppy, the Water Droplet; The discovery that Mike is 8 times a lady and Bobo made me laugh during the dumb "Missile launched at the SOL" sketch. Good, solid humor through and through.

Host Segments
Intro: Crow tries to figure how many times a lady Gypsy is. Segment 1: Pearl conduct's tests on the robots. Segment 2: Tom makes legs for himself and challenges Gypsy to a kick boxing fight. Segment 3: M&TBs thank Pearl for not killing them, interupting her attempt to kill them. Segment 4: Crow is Droppy, The Water Droplet. End: Mike has a giant chin. Bobo & Brain Guy plan a music tour but Pearl gets in the way. Stinger: Warrior loses his shirt.

Notable Riffs
*"Z' No, Z' Don't" - Servo as Z' Dar during the fight
*"He's reporting over a baby monitor" - Mike
*"He's boxed in." "Well, I'm card-bored." - Crow/Mike
*"He's Jean Claude Van Damme." - "No, he's more like Jean Claude Gosh Darn" - Servo/Mike
*"He's a Cute-asaurus." - Crow
*"My trained wiener will finish you off!" Servo as Tool
*"The sad thing is, they're all former prostitutes." - Crow, speaking of Nun and her 2 fat friends
*"Well, thank you for... not killing me" - "They should make a Hallmark card for that." - Nun/Crow
*"We're all out of steak!" - Crow as big guys peek around the corner.
*"Plaid Avengers, ho!" - Servo
*"Just wait till Fred Buroughs gets here!" - Crow
*"This place is a maze" - "We call it *A Corn*!" - Tool/Crow
*"You know, I could point out that it's not the future and there is no war. But you know me, I don't like to complain" - Crow
*"Federal Investigators, we're taking over this case right now!" - "But my puffy hair!" - Feds/Mike as Captain
*"Wow, that was easy. Maybe it was butterflies that wiped out the dinosaurs." - Mike
*"Cardboard boxes aren't working; try throwing a piece of paper or a cotton ball." - Servo
*"Danger Restroom Area?" - "Yeah a co-worker has irritable bowl syndrome" - Crow/Mike
*"I'll just leave a note on him" - Servo as Nun after driving into Tool
*"Ted Nugent helps out" - Crow
*"Meanwhile, on the African Queen, Bogart and Hepburn pick leeches off each other." - Servo
*"Lieutenant Nun leads the troops." - ??
*"Years of expensive nun training, just wasted." - Servo

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