Animated Button


If your browser were java-capable you would see an applet here.
The applet may take a while to load [~87K]


This is an applet I wrote a while back to use for this webpage. It turned out to be more trouble than it was worth, so I opted for a javascript version. The problem is that it just takes to damn long to load. In any event, I included many options for this applet. It allows you to specify which images to use in the animation, where they are located, the URL to link to (it is a button applet after all), different animation options, and much, much more. If you want a copy of the java class file or the source code then write to ophiuchus. It can all be yours for the low price of $19.95! (Just kidding) If you notice any problems with the applet please fill out a problem report. Thanks!


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