Boring Stuff

This page last updated 2-27-99

Well, you wanted boring stuff, so here you go. I am currently a student at the University of Montana, majoring in Physics. I used to be an Astronomy/Physics major, but a series of bad semesters has prevented me from finishing that degree this year. As it stands, I'm going to be taking a major course load just to finish. This semester I am taking six classes:

School is only one small part of my life. I also have many hobbies. Some of these, astronomy, programming java and computer graphics, computer artwork, and diving, are explored in detail elsewhere. I also enjoy playing music. I play the clarinet, saxophone, and bass guitar. Currently I am playing in the University Wind Ensemble and the Pep Band (plays at basketball). There are many physical activities I enjoy as well. I love in-line skating (rollerblading), skiing, hiking, and camping.

My Computer Setup:

Operating Systems Liscensed Software:

For any comments, suggestions, or dating invitations (female only please), send to: ophiuchus

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