GREAT NEWS!!! I did it, i got it pierced again.. it hurt a little bit more cause i got it done with the ring, but i got it done.. i also bled (a lot) and a i got kinda dizzy.. but it was very fun, and im just relieved to have a piece of metal sticking through my flesh.. im more myself again.. ahh..

I Need Some Advice...

   Ok, here's the thing, I went to Solstice in Fredonia NY, (a body art place) and I got my eyebrow pierced on Sep. 7, 1999. All went well for a while, but one day in gym, i got hit right on the barbell by a volley ball (shut up.. i wasn't paying attention) and it really didnt hurt at all, but when i went home, i noticed a little rip in the skin, so naturally im like, oh crap.. but it still didnt hurt and i went about my life.. a little bit after that it started to grow out fast, i thought it was normal at first but then you could relly tell that it just shouldnt be going THAT fast.. so, by Feb. 12, 2000, (Snowball --a dance) it was really grown out, and there was only a little sliver of skin holding it in, so that night I took it out (i hated that part, i loved having it pierced, i really didnt want to take it out but i had to..) and for a long time it was really red, my mom thought it was infected but it wasn't, didnt hurt at all! And i thought it would only take like 6 weeks to heal again, and then i could get it pierced.. guess what.. stuff doesnt always work out as you plan.. so.. here i am, April 25, 2000, and since i have been taking a multi-vitiman plus a vitiman C table, it has go a lot better, you can stil see the scar a lot though.. it pisses me off! Well, I really want to get it pierced again before my birthday, which is June 4th, and i just want to know if it will heal more by then so i can shove another piece of metal through heres the thing, if you are reading this and you know anything about piercings or have personal experience, please please please email me, i would appreciate your help sooooo much!!!

Ok, these aren't pictures of me or even people i know, they're just pics of pierced flesh.. yummy!!

click on the pic to go to the site..


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