Psycho-Tropic Twinkling Abyss
   Hi, this page is a psycho-tropic jungle o' fun... made by me.. Lisa Brotz.  Basically it has stuff about me, my friends, my siblings, and the eliptical dome-covered world I belong to.  There are some enjoyable links, some good pictures, and a few animations.. hope this message serves you well... :)
''So much time, so little to do, wait, strike that... reverse it.''
                                -Willy Wonka
'' They're coming to take me away, HA HA, they'r coming to take me away HO HO HEE HEE HA HA, to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time...'' -Dr. Demento
The Beautiful People.. The Beautiful People...
My Bio..
Yum Yum.. Eat 'Em Up!! Some tastey quote for your pleasure...
Actual Pictures!!!
The freakish people I call friends... just kidding, they aren't really people...
Things that piss me off!!!! Add to the list!!!
Just some of my favorite stuff..
OK, i just need a little help..
Enter the world of lunch period 5a.. read some cafeteria confessions..
Buckets and buckets and buckets o' stuff...
FUN FUN FUN!!! Straight from Conan O'Brien!!!
In 1947, an alien space craft was rumored to have crashed in Roswell, New Mexico...
Meet My Faeries!!!
Class Room Quotes
Getting things off my chest..
Classroom Quotes: now, from STUDENTS!!
This is a very cool site, i highly reccommend that you check it out.. just click one the eye...
Ok, so you're flipping through my site, and you're thinking to yourself..''damn, I like some of those backgrounds.. where can I get them??'', ok, so even if you aren't thinking that..or a variation of that, you should still go to, they have some really cool ones.. so.. click me.. CLICK ME BITCH!! :) :P
Like some of the animations too? well, click on these:
Ok, so it's something different.. just try it.. TRY IT!!!!!!
You like it? You hate it? TELL ME!!!!!
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