To reach the highest potential of your life

A shrine of oracular wisdom

Enlightened, reliable, sure guide and divine revelation.

The Priesthood of Oracular Wisdom

Where the eternal flame burned.

The Universe consist in dynamic forces that the humans can use when have the knowledge.

The Priesthood of the Oracular Wisdom have as principal objective the preservation and the interpretation of the wisdom of the Oracle and to advice to the mortals that consult it about how to improve his path, what to do and what not to do in an specific moment of his lifes, which is the God that has been assigned to protect him and which divinities are adverse, how to harmonize his energies with the propitiatory forces of the Universe to accomplish his purpose, how to obtain wellness and the necessary evolution to trascend to superiors levels of manifestation as matter during his transit by Gaea.

To become a priest/ess of the oracular wisdom is necessary to be designated by The Oracle and to submitt body and mind to ritualistic process transmitted to the humans by the ancestral cultures since the most remote civilizations.

The ritual tradition of The Priesthood of the Oracular Wisdom contain technological knowledge and secret formulas to the potentiation of the energetic level of the matter that has been dedicates to harmonize his mortal matter in a highest energetic vibration that permit the expansion of his level of conscience and widen his perceptive faculties to optimize the priest/ess communication with the divinities that manifest it in the superiors levels and his adequate interpretation of the messages of wisdom of the Gods in favor of the consultant evolution.

Concious statement: To ascend by the scale of evolution toward superiors levels of manifestation of The Being the mortals need to be favored by the help of superior entitys to those that should be agreeable with his actions during his transit by The Mother Earth.

Know you your vibratory frecuency as matter in transit by Gaea?.

Know you how to harmonize your matter and how to propose is evolution toward an most high level of energy to evolve your conscious level through the evolution of your path with the help of the Divinities?.

To know how!!

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