Simple Explosives

Coke Bottle Bomb

You will need:

- 1 x 300mL glass Coke (or equivalent) bottle with its lid

- 16 or so sparklers

- a sheet of paper


1. Strip the flammables from 15 of the sparklers onto the sheet of paper.

2. Pour the crushed up sparklers into the bottle, using the paper as a funnel. Make sure the bottle is bone dry before you use it. If it's not, the sparkler "dust" might not ignite properly. NOTE: DO NOT use blackpowder in this bomb. It ignites just from the sparks made by the fuse. If you do use blackpowder, you won't have enough time to run away.

3. Trim the excess wire from one full sparkler. This is your fuse. Do not use anything but a sparkler for a fuse with this bomb.

4. Position the bomb. Light the fuse outside of the bottle.

5. Drop the lit sparkler non-burning end first into the the bottle. (I can't stress this point enough. Believe it or not people we know have dropped the burning end straight into the pile of sparkler dust, resulting in an explosion and a spray of glass less than a metre away from them. Idiots.)

6. Replace the lid tightly and take cover. When putting the lid on, do it quickly but don't panic. If you are using a full sparkler you will have plenty of time to escape (about 1 minute).


If you're skilled enough, you can rig this bomb to go off underwater. You will need to make a few additions to the normal design. Firstly, strap a few layers of tissue paper (or maybe even 1 layer of carpet underlay) around the middle of the bottle with electrical tape. This stops the glass cracking because of the rapid temperature change underwater. Tie some string to a big weight (e.g. a brick) then attach the other end to the bottom of the bottle. Light it as normal then throw it in the water. Before you detonate it, do some tests so that the neck of the bottle will sit about 30cm (1 ft) from the surface of the water. When detonated, the top usually blows off, sending shrouds of water into the air along with a heap of glass.

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- Smoke bomb

- Coke bottle bomb  

- Soda-bulb bomb

- Blackpowder bomb

- Petrol bomb


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