Simple Explosives

Why to be safe...

Here are some pics and info we found on the net. If this doesn't make you see the need to ensure proper safety then nothing will. And just for the record, these injuries are not related to or caused by this site. Also, we did not take the photos nor are they of us.

**WARNING** - the images below are of real life injuries They are extremely gory and are not suitable for viewing by young children (young children probably shouldn't be here anyway).


This kid built himself a variation of the average blackpowder bomb, using cannon fuse in place of the slow burning sparkler fuse. Naturally, the fuse burned much faster than he could run, the shell putting a hole straight through his leg. If it had hit him in the torso or head it would certainly have killed him. View Image

Thats gotta hurt! Some nasty burns after a blackpowder bomb went off in his hand. "Will I ever play piano again, doc?" I think not. View Image

This is what happens when your hand gets too close to a firework when it's launching. Pump me up on pain-killers thanks. Image 1  Image 2

This guy was using black powder to assist in lighting a sparkler fountain (a crude version of the Roman candle) on the 4th of July. What he didn't know was that the fountain was already smouldering. When the embers lit the black powder, it exploded driving the container into his knee. The black cloth is where it drove his pants into his knee. He received several burns in addition to this injury. View Image

Now this is really gruesome! He was trying to close a pipe-bomb when it went off in his hand, blowing off his ring finger, pinky and a hunk of his palm. View Image

- Smoke bomb

- Coke bottle bomb

- Soda-bulb bomb

- Blackpowder bomb

- Petrol bomb


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