~News & Updates~

02/14/2005-I just started this page so give me some time with it. I'm hoping to have up the Laws, Joining and stuff like that soon or later.

02/15/2005-I finally got Jobs, Members, Contact and Laws ready! YAY! Hehe. Now I just need to do Joining and the site is ready!

02/16/2005-I finally finished the website! Now I just need to sit and wait for people to join. *sigh* I hope some people do join. ^_^ Its not fun without more people to rp with! Right? Right.

02/20/2005-YAY!! Someone as joined! Well at least one..but at least I'm happy about that!! Please keep joining!! I hope to make this a great and wonderful fun rp! Thank you!!

02/20/2005-YAY!! Another person has joined! We're going on strong! Hehe. I think someone else will be joining but I'm not sure. Maybe we can get some other men not just besides the leader. x_x

02/25/2005-Well we have more people now. We're going on strong thats for sure and I'm happy about that. People are still welcome to join. I will get to you as soon as possible. Just keep it coming! Oh and please, more males can join. Okay? Thanks. ^_^

03/09/2005Well, we have another person that has taken a job, who is a male. But it seems he wants the Third In Command spot, which I will not let him have it that easy. Oh! I must tell every member and people that want to join that I will not be here on the 10th to the 13th of this week. But I will be back later.

03/19/2005I am back, but its a little late to say that. Anyways, I'm back and ready to take in new members! Just please fill out the application.
kathern_ivyrain got their Neopet at
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