


Project Angels Herald

Project Angels Herald is the Newest Project in O:RR, it is a collaboration with Haven of Love and The Angels Herald, our newspaper, All submissions here will be forwarded to Neo_Bits our Angel of Love, and she will put them up in the Angels Herald. In P. AH. we have three different operations; Stories, Poems and Pictures,

# Stories, Here we wanna see your stories, long ones, short ones, comics, one episodics or multiple episodics, that is up to you.

# Poems, Here we wanna see your poems, easy huh?? All kinds of Poems, Haikus, long ones, short ones and so on, if you know what a poem is, send it to us and let us share it. :D

# Pictures, Aah, here we wanna see your artistic arts, pictures, banners, blogs, backgrounds, screensavers or Layouts, anything that has to to with pictures in some way, just send those in.

So, what are you waiting for, send your stuff to
Princesscottonball ~ Kaycee.


And of Course, since we are doing this the right way, all submissions will be looked upon, and all original stories, poems, arts or whatever submitted will get a score from 1-5, this will be your score given on the promotions tally when promotions are due. But, if we see that you are cheating on us, stealing arts, stories or poems, then you will get nothing...


Duties covered in ORR

# Operation Angels

# Operation Avenging

# Operation Compassion

# Operation Support

# Operation System

# Operation Inspirational Ideas

# Project Angels Herald

Main | Submit | Tally | Awards
Haven of Mercy | Haven of Love | Haven of Wishes | Haven of Dreams
Guild Home | Main webbie



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