Some are more intelligent, it seems, than others. Some are more powerful than others. They appear to work under a hierarchy. On the Ouija Board they always talked about a character named Faber who was suppose to be in charge. Granted this could just be garbage, but a book written by Father Malachi Martin claimed the same thing, that they have demons above them.

Dr. Charles Kraft also believed that Faber existed and was in fact the head demon of the group. In fact, Dr. Kraft forced Faber to show itself in Jesus' name and a deep, scary, otherworldly voice reluctantly answered his demand.

The different "tricks" these things can accomplish vary. My demon or demons, since they may actually linger in groups and is the reason the term, "familial spirit," exists, could manifest itself in darkness into a spirit form with a body shape. I could touch it and feel what felt like an electrical flow of energy. It could also give me severe headaches, chest pain and stomach aches.

Other sources say that they can make a person feel like they are being strangled and cause a person to pass out. Some can make shadowy figures appear in daylight even.

They are suppose to be able to predict the future if they want to, but I did not witness any of this. Everything, I was told by these things about the future was phony. But it appears that sometimes they will tell people little things when it will help them to win a person over.

Once you get their attention by using a Ouija Board or other occult devices, they will linger and cause things to break and cause bad luck for you sometimes for many years.

The occult includes everything from Ouija Boards and Tarot cards to palm reading and astrology. Any type of divining attracts them and gives them the right to attach themselves to you!

Do not mess with the occult or with these creatures they are evil and can ruin your life and if you follow them, your very soul will be in jeopardy!
From my own experience I have managed to gather some little facts about demons. Since, demons, or evil or unclean spirits lie and deceive it is actually rather difficult to get any real information on them that is not questionable.

What I did get that I believe to be "real," information has been substantiated by other sources and people who have had similar encounters with these evil beings.

Firstly, some background about these creatures. According to the Bible they are fallen angels, meaning that they are the same type of beings as angels, but that they chose to support Satan in his fight against God. They are evil, I can attest to that.

On the Oujia Board the "characters," that are reached are demons, but they can seem awfully friendly. They will joke with the operators, they can have great senses of humor. They can be fun and silly. Kids can be easily amused at their stories of their supposed deaths as humans. They can also write poetry. The ones I reached with my mother did! One wrote "his" poems almost exclusively about the moon! J. B. or John Bindler as the demon claimed its name was talked about the moon and moon gods.

One, demon, so called Walt, claimed it liked me because I was a "moon child," a nickname for people born under the horoscope sign of Cancer.

When the things started talking to me in my head, it did seem nice, but as soon as I tried to make it leave and look up what was going on, on the internet, it's true nature appeared. It was evil. It berated me, and swore and threatened to kill me and gave me terrible headaches and chest pain. It said that it would kill me and, believe it or not, rape me after I was dead!

The things on Ouija Boards don't like Jesus. Why is that I wonder? They claim that He was just a man, and not the Son of God. They say that all religions, "got it wrong." When the things were talking to me they tried to push reincarnation. This is an important fact. After this horrible experience of mine, I purchased several books. One entitled
Dialogue with a Demon, published by Vantage Press and written by Lona Kay has some very interesting things in it that are very similar to what happened to me.

A demon started talking to her after she used a Ouija Board. It told her to preach reincarnation. It told her that Jesus was not the Son of God.

So many accounts in books about messages from this board all come down to the same propaganda. It says reincarnation is real, Jesus is not. The fact that these demon creatures are evil should tell any intelligent person that these things have a reason to be saying these consistent things. The reason is that they are working for the other side, they're the bad guys they're working for the devil folks.  
John Zaffis says that they can't read your mind, but they can hear your thoughts. This was very disconcerting to me. Having something around that can hear your every thought sense your every emotion.

Demons are like humans in that they have different personalities and different talents.
There is help:
The Exorcists
The Saints talking about demons!
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