The sole purpose of this website is to warn unsuspecting people of the actual nature of what makes a Ouija Board work and to encourage people never to use one.

Despite what Hasbro the game company says, Ouija Boards are not games, they are objects of the occult even William Fuld knew this, he was the manufaturer who made them a household name.

I realize that most people, including myself up until a few years ago, don't really believe in stories of the occult, such as demons and the devil, and hauntings and basically the paranormal in general.

I can attest, however, much to my chagrin, that evil spirits known as demons exsist. This should not be surprising really since the New Testament mentions them frequently as evil or unclean spirits, devils, and demons.

Since my very negative experience with a Ouija Board, I have done a lot of research on this matter and I believe that everytime anyone gets anything from a Ouija Board it is from one of these demons or evil spirits and not from a deceased human's soul or a Heavenly angel.

Don't be fooled by the skeptics who say it's okay to use them because demons don't exist. Don't listen to these New Age practitioners who blame the users of Ouija Boards for bad experiences, saying that they get what they are looking for or that you didn't use it safely! These people are occultists they revere these demons as gods. Do not get involved in any aspect of the occult! It is bad for you, wrong and sinful!
Specialist Help!
People who may be able to help!
Articles on Ouija Boards
Ouija Boards Made in Hell
The Ouija Board: Game or a Gamble?
Ouija: Not a Game by Dale Kaczmarek
Father Malachi Martin on the Board
Brother Ignatius Mary and Joe Meineke helped me at the St. Padre Pio Center for Deliverance Counseling.
Resources for Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare Prayers
What you can do!
My Story posted at Unsolved Mysteries
Criticism of Ouija Boards
Helpful Books
Please feel free to e-mail me at: [email protected]
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