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  Capitol Reef NP & Eastern Utah | Mt. Rushmore ~ South Dakota |
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Fargo/Johnson Family Get-together  | Washington DC & Smithsonian photos 
 | Sodbuster Days | Big Iron | Oregon | Weekend in November | Old Wheels~Mojave

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We arrived late in the day after a stopover in South Dakota and were amazed at the rock sculpture known as Devils Tower, exposed after eons of erosion, it dominates the horizon. A half full campground from the campground Solid rock towers above the country side
Devils Tower National Monument Campground  was a pleasant end of the days journey. Devils Tower Wyoming Devils Tower Wyoming
Devils Tower across the meadows Deer in the meadows near Devils Tower Wyoming

  Home |Tour page 2  |Fall 2001 | ZION NP Photos | Bryce Canyon NP Photos
  Capitol Reef NP & Eastern Utah | Mt. Rushmore ~ South Dakota |
  North Dakota Farms

Fargo/Johnson Family Get-together  | Washington DC & Smithsonian photos 
Wyoming | Sodbuster Days |Big Iron | Oregon | Weekend in November | Old Wheels~Mojave

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      Copyright © 2000 , 2001 ,2002 Paul Secor. All rights reserved.
      All art is the property of the registered owner and may not be used without permission.
10/29/2002 08:47 PM

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