About Us
Our names are David and Kim.

We have been together since 1994 and we were married in 1995 and in that time we have never been able to conceive a child either naturally, which is impossible for us anyway, but we also had no luck with IVF and other means.

Its now 2007 and we are on a journey through Local Adoption, here in Victoria, Australia.

David has lived in Victoria since the age of 10.

I was born in the Northern Territory. I moved to Victoria on my 22nd birthday, as my mother had past away the year before.

David and I met about 3 or 4 weeks after I got to Victoria and we have been together ever since. For us it was love at first sight, and we knew within a few minutes that we were soul mates.

David has one younger brother and one younger sister.

I have 3 older sisters, 2 older brothers and 2 younger sisters.

So together we have over 22 nieces and nephews ranging in age from 20 years down nephews born during 2007 and a great niece due in December 2007.

David's hobbies include model trains, playing the guitar, fixing cars and karate

My hobbies include cross-stitching, drawing, writing poems, reading, cooking, web design, photography.

The things that we enjoy doing together include camping, fishing, traveling, gardening, listening to music, watching movies, going to the drive in, swimming, and just being together either alone or with friends and family.

David has been in the same job since he finished year 12.

I'm qualified as a first year apprentice mechanic (1992), but I prefer being a housewife and hopefully a full time mother some day soon.

We have a little male Chihuahua named Tiny who is 8 years old, and a cat named Spike, we also have a number of fancy pet and show rats, and I'm a breeder of fancy pet and show rats and have shipped my rats to every state and territory within Australia

Both David and I love animals, but I think I love them more, as its always me who wants to get a new pet.

This has been a very long journey for both of us but especially for me. I've dreamed of being a mother since I was just 13 years old, which means I've been dreaming of being a mother for 22 years now.

I'm the one with the infertility problem. I have PCOS (PolyCystic Ovaries Syndrom)
plus I have only one fallopian tube which is completely blocked.Meaning there is no way naturally for us to have a child

The reason I only have one is that in 1992 I got pregnant to my boyfriend at the time and I was over the moon about it but it was an ectopic pregnancy and in June 1992 at just under 12 weeks pregnant I ended up in hospital in a great deal of pain, my fallopian tube actually burst there at the hospital and I was rushed into emergency surgery.

I lost my baby and my ability to get pregnant.

As with most women who have an infertility issue, especially when their partner is fertile, I tended to blame myself for the fact we can not have a family together.

Being around pregnant friends and family was hard, especially when IVF didnt work, and especially when everyone keeps saying how I'll be a great mother and how David would be a wonderful father.

IVF was very painful for me and finding out on our first try that my eggs were not good and that we would not end up with any embryos to freeze because of this. So we had 3 embryos put back inside me and there were 11 embryos that were left unable to be frozen.

Then we looked in to Surrogacy and found that path even more emotionally stressful and painful than IVF had been. 

So we started the InterCountry Adoption process and were planning to adopt from China. Unfortunately the costs ($30,000) just proved too much for us, so before we got to the social worker visits and approval we stopped ICA.

Thats when we looked into Local Adoption. Maybe we should have looked at Local Adoption sooner but for some reason Local Adoption seemed much scarier and confusing to us, until after we had been to the ICA education groups and to the Local Adoption information session and had learnt that it wasnt like we thought.

So now we are in the process of Local Adoption and hopefully at some point we will be approved to adopt and will then be waiting to be picked by the birth parents as the right adoptive parents for a beautiful child.

Of course this is a very stressful journey for anyone to take and it can make you frustrated at times but it also makes you stronger and gives you the will to fight for the right to be a parent.

I think since 2005 when we started the whole process of adoption (starting with Inter-Country before changing to Local) I have actually been really happy and excited by the whole process, partly because there is such a wonderful and supportive community out there of people going through all the same things. But I've also been really happy because no matter what happens, whether we become parenst or not, I know that I have a wonderful husband and great family and friends who love me and are willing to support me no matter what happens.

Life can be so wonderful.

Anyway I think thats basically all there is to us.

I hope that you will follow our adoption journey and our family as it grows
Our Family 4 Ever
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