On my plate today.

Monday, November , 2004 6:20:47 PM

The con... Well, let it be knowen that everyone likes a Rooster ^^ I can't stay and talk too much, as always, busy, busy, busy. The Convention went very well, and I had lots of fun. I plan to go again and will have much much more stock availible... for that reason I'm going to go work on that said stock ^_^ I'll keep up posting art here though, but the site will be going through a re-vamping too, probably after finals are over (not my finals, the Web Masters finals... he's an Uber Geek <3 ) Well, We'll see how it goes...

Saturday, May 15, 2004 1:42:18 AM

Oh, I did hear something very, VERY interesting, however, I'm afraid if I say or spread it the feds will be knocking on my door and shutting me down. I have no doubt as to this happening, so my little (or very VERY huge) secret will remain between me and the wall that whispered it into my ear. Sound crazy don't I?

I've posted a bit at this other place on the web, as it has works that are not here, you might wanna check it out! It's www.mangaacademy.com I mostly post in the black&white gallary under the pen name Ariella. I want this page to house more of my art then that place, however here I have limited storage space and bandwidth, so Manga Academy is a very nice alternative.

Hip-hop-in-Skip onto the next thing, I'm trying to go for Iron Cat! They're the Ameri-Manga producers. Actually, I'm going to route them to this site and we'll see what happens...?? *figures crossed!!*

Inane Thoughts

Things seem to be looking up... seem to. Sure, life still has it's problems, and I know I've had a fair share to deal with, but I'm not dead, right? Plus, people seem to really like me art (either that or they're all just really nice and being FAR too kind to me). The only thing right now that kind of sucks is that I'm going to be lossing my internet for a week or so.

I've been busy all day today!! Okay, so I've packed to move into a town house, yes, a town HOUSE!! I'm going to have a very, very, very tiny back yard. Yet it's still my own yard! I want to make a garden there. I'm going to grow all kinds of flowers. I want people to walk up and smell all the different fragrances and stop for a second and go 'ahhh...' hehe, yeah I'm corny!! :p

Copyrights & Credits

All works (art, stories, ect..) that are on this page are copyrighted to ME, not you. All fan art is credited to it's respective artist, the layout was made soley by Midnight Designs (see link below). Theft or plagiarism is not tolerated and will be delt with properly.

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