My view and opinion of her life and times....
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Some have said that Janis was a horrible singer , or critisized here for 'scratchy vioce'. I don't agree with them one bit but I always let them know that Janis was loved because she could put such passion and feelings into her songs. She could make you feel what she was singing of , because she truly felt and new everything she sang. Her songs either speak of the blues or with undying love. Some thing she knew all to well , and something she so longed for but was never to find. The death of Janis was one of the greatist loss's to not only the music industry , but to music it self.not to mention her fans , who grow with each generation .In the short period of time Janis was singing songs to the world she gathered the hearts of so much of the people .Black , white , yellow and red . One singer who has truly broken every barrier.
                    Janis Lyn Joplin was born on January , 14 1943 in Port Arther Texas. For the next 27 years she worked her magic like only she could . She was  brought up in a middle class family , though she was not typical at all.She never had many friends , most the kids thought she was strange .  And kids being kids shunned her. She was pushed to the outside and never exepted by them. She was a very "out spoken" girl not only  because of her age but because of her gender. She would ream anyone a new asshole if she needed to . This in an era were Lusy and Desi Arnaz couldnt even say pregnant , the had to say 'expecting'. But Janis was not typical of what society thought she should be.She was her own person .Many say Janis did this for attension also .But wouldnt anyone who was totaly laughed at and ostrisized buy  all there peers want some attension? Everyone needs love and comfort from friends. The few she had she kept and held very deer to her , a trate she carried on through out her life .
         When Janis Grduated High school she attended a couple colledges dureing the sixties . Janis was already listeng to the blues greats who were just coming back to the mainstream. While everyone else just hearing Lead belly for the first time  she could sing the songs from start to finish. With a greater   passion than any one had heard them before.
          Though she did not get exactly what she wanted at first she worked her way to get recognition. Finally in the mid sixties she joined Big Brother and the Holding Company. some say the rest is history......But I say the rest is a legond. On October fourth 1970 Janis was found dead from a herion overdose. This truly was the day the music died. Few sense have been able to drive a feeling into you with there song. in about 4 years Janis Joplin Gave her heart and gained the hearts of millions or people. This number is still growing today . I myself am only 22 ; born 8 years after she left us. Her loss pains me still just imaging what she could have done if she could have stayed.

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