A women who could give anyone some Southern Comfort
Along with her vioce and style of singing she also had some great songs to call her own. She sang songs with lyrics that she truely knew and felt. This is the reason she moved so many . She felt what she sang and not just sang what was handed her. The lyrics of our lady blue's songs can be found by clicking the picture to the right.
Cant you just hear her little cackeling laugh through this picture ? It will lead you to a site with sound files and her coroners report
This pic of Big Brother and the Holding company will lead you to a page dedicated to the band that made Janis famous , as well as were the band is today
I will remember you and love you always Janis , I dedicate this site to you in the hopes that you will live on forever ; And of the dream to be your Bobby Mcgee . You were and always will be the greatist blues singer of the 60's , And all other generations . Peace and love to you .
This page is for people wishing to learn about Janis or look up and check stories to see if they are fact or fiction.
To start with you have to read a short
biography of her life . It was basic mostly
ordinary life but look what it created.
Click the pick to the right to read a good short bio on Janis.She did so much in her
to short life span.
She influenced so
many people in there
careers as musicians.
She had a totally new
vioce to offer the world
and that she did. Click
the scetch to the right
to read some comments
from other musicians
on Janis.
Though her career was short she performed alot ; this was also part of her downfall.. But regardless her performences were not only moving but were influencial . Janis had her way to move a crowd with her style of singing. She had the ability to do this ,something that so few have been able to do since. This live shot (right) will take you to a site of concert dates and much more . And PS if any one with tapes to trade of her concerts please E-Mail me ! ;o)~
Unfortunatly her life ended way to soon. She left an open space in the world no one can replace.
Direct links to all my web pages...

Click Below for my Grateful Dead Pages
( 2 )

Click Below for my Bob Dylan Page
(under construction)

Click Below For my pet Pages ( 2 )

Click Below to meet Me

Please Email me with any and all your comments :o)~
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