And now a little about me
Hello my name is Jeff , I am 22 and live in Maryland . I love my pets and I love the Dead . I work for an engineering firm and I am just getting into the whole computer thing . I hope you enjoy my site and hope that you come again ,as I improve my puter skills I hope the site will grow .
A  beautiful picture....of a beutiful women
One of my favorite prose of all time is Desiderata , It's a hippies prayer if you will . It is something I read every day and try to live by it . If you read it I hope it will impact you as well .
"Imagination is more important than knowledge"
Albert Einstien
for a Gypsy Rose Catalog
This page has  links to special things in my life . Not all life conferming but special non the less .  I hope every one gets a little enjoyment out of it and maybe , just maybe you will see something that will move you too
Click on Janis to read Desiderata
I am a fun loving free type of person . I love every aspect of the hippy life but I also know my morals and responablities . I dont take them lightly either . I am very firm to my beliefs , but open minded also. I write this because I want any who thinks this is stupid , imature or wrong to know that not all hippies are dirty drug addicts , true hippy is in the heart, loving everyone .I am saying this to let every one know , bieng a true hippy is in the heart , it is not what you were , what music you like or even what you do in your spare time. It is about being yourself , being true to yourself and others. It is about giving every one a shot , even the person you think you have nothin in common with. Have love in your heart , put off good Karma to all who come in conntact with and that is a hippy. Beads or diamonds, sandels or penny loafers. We are all the same , some of us can see that ; unfortunatly  whole lot of people cant. Spread it around as much as you can. Find some one each day to make smile and feel good about themselves. Wether at work ,school,or home. That is a true hippy. And that is what I strive for in myself and who I surrond myself with.
And how true to a piont. After all without imagination how can you use the other. An imagination and a mind with inspiration is unstopable.
Direct Links to my other web sites
Click below for my Grateful Dead pages

Click below for my Janis Joplin pages

Click below for my Bob Dylan Page
(under consruction)

Click Below to meet my pets!!

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