For a band who has a  reputation built in stone
Jeffs Dead Page
My page is dedicated to links and kool pics , If you use any I do require due credit to be given to the pictures originator and a link to there page if you are using them on your page...and NO COMMERCIAL USE !!
Here is a great link to a link filled page . this is the 'old' hippie page many many kool pics and places . Click the jester for a fun filled journey
This link is a awesome site for dead lyrics . I must admit I have used it alot , I hope you can to . The bus will ride you to your destination
And lets not leave out the tape traders , How could we live without them
Click below to see trading list , your story awaits you at the end
There is still more to see , Don't Forget to check page 2!!
Direct links to all my pages...

My Janis page on her life,including links and pics from childhood on up

I also so a Bob Dylan Site under Construction

Next would Be the Page On me

And Last but Definatly Not Least My Pet Page

Comments Complaints or suggestions please Email Me!!
Jeffs Dance Party !!!
To the left is the Dead Net's Home page click to go to the official DeadNet site.
PS: The skeletons know a secret place for free graphics!!
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