June 29- Kyle and Megan have made it back to Arizona.  They made it to Chicago on June 25 where they stayed in Itasca until today.  They filmed an upcoming TV show about their trip, that will be avaliable to watch later on this summer.  Anne Vreeland did not know the two were flying into town and were very surprised to see them there, but extremely happy.

June 24- If you have any questions you want to know about the trip that should be part of Megan & Kyle's video interview, e-mail it to us at
[email protected] today!

June 23- It was announced in Cork, that Kyle & Megan will not be going to the Mystery City as planned.  This is due to lack of flights going to the US and overbooking.  The two will try to start flying on on June 25 to Chicago. 

June 17-  They arn't sure yet, but plans for the mystery city may be changing.  No details are going to be released for about a week or so, but you will have to keep updated.  In other news, Megan & Kyle finished up their week in Paris and headed to Rome early this morning!  After a delay in their flight, the two spent the day at the beach, and enjoyed the roman beaches.  The two  are planning on siteseeing tomorrow!

June 8-  On June 9, Kyle, Megan & Nana, will be traveling about an hour and 15 minutes outside of Madrid to go to Toledo.  They will be there the entire day.  Then on June 10, they will be going to a bull fight. 

June 4- Megan and Kyle went to Berln`s Tegal Airport this morning thinking that they were going to Amsterdam.  But when they pulled out the flight plan they found out their flight was scheduled for June 3.  They then at the last minute changed their plans and went to Madrid 2 days early, where Ellen Hoppensteadt (Nana), was waiting in Madrid for the two.  They are now safe and will be in Madrid until next week.

June 3-  Yesterday was a crazy day for Kyle & Megan. It is first believed that Kyle may have once again had another concussion.  While sitting in his bed, Kyle layed down to just lay for a minute and he hit his head in the same spot as his first concussion on the wall behind him.  Kyle said he is fine and has not had any dizzyness.  Also yeterday, someone stole Kyle's Bed.  Actually two people from Scottland were in the wrong room and took up more beds then what was avaliable.  About an hour after the drama started, it was resolved when the Scottish people came into the room for a good night's rest.  Kyle got to sleep in a bed!
Kyle & Megan in Toledo, Spain!
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