The 2007 Summer Road Trip
Wish List Page
Wish List
Kyle Megan and Kyle were so greatful to all the donations they recieved last year to go to Europe. This year they are again asking for your help.  Here is a list of items that is in their wishlist.

*Money (any amount, every penny helps)
*Ideas, tips, and suggestions for Florida, Georgia & New Orleans!

If you wish to make a contrubution e-mail us and we will tell you where to send it.  All money donations will be placed in the 2007 Summer Road Trip Account at Bank of America.  Your name will also be added to a list of sponsors and/or participating company's used during the 2007 Summer Road Trip
2006 Site
Wish List
Contact Us
Europe Pics
As of July 25, 2007, Kyle and Megan would like to thank the following:

-Steve and Donna Aevermann for thier financial contribution.
-Jenny Vreeland for use of the car and lodging.
-Ellen Hoppensteadt (Nana) for lodging stay and financial contribution.
-Bobbi Sue Reed for future lodging stay.
-Vicki Kengott for future lodging stay.
-Kathy LaPointe for her financial contribution.
-Anne Vreeland for her financial contribution.
-Laurie & Diane from Shark Valley Park for rescueing Kyle & Megan from the storm on July 24.
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