14 Things about
"Re-Animator" ...

... that you most probably didn't know yet
(but post probably could have done without!)
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The following amazing facts can be found in the special collectors edition of EMPIRE MAGAZINE - "The greatest Horror Movies ever". The article in question was written by Mark Dinning. All copyrights with the author. All fun with me!
01. Director Stuart Gordon had once obscenity charges levelled at him
      after a university production of Peter Pan (Tinkerbell was gay, Peter
      a hippie and the trip to Never Never Land was on LSD)

02. As for psychologists, Lovecraft lived out a masturbation phantasy
      when he wrote "Herbert West - The Re-Animator" - creating life
      without the help of women (eh - a bit far fetched, innit!)

03. Gordon hat spent weeks of research in morgues ("You never forget
       the smell, I can assure you") and forensic labs

04. Re-Animator was shot in the same studios as Cameron's
       "The Terminator", sharing some of the same crew, with a cameo by
       Cameron's father (the hospital patient with a bandaged head), and
       boasts Arnie's body double, Peter Kent, as the first corpse  to be

05. Above mentioned Peter Kent was so excited about the project that
      Schwarzenegger himself requested a screening, and subsequently
      loved the film so much that he personally recommended Gordon as
      director for Fortress -  which eventually starred Christopher Lambert
      when Arnie bailed.

06. The budget was barely over $1 million.

07. Hamburger mince was sometimes used in place of latex.

08. A lack of pubic prosthetics, used to cover up naked zombies'
      genitals, meant that "Gesundheit"  (the crew's nickname for the
      shotgun-wound-in-the-face member of the undead) penis had to
      be sprayed black to make it more discrete.

09. the neon life juice was, in fact, flare fluid bought from a local
      hardware store

10. David Gale (Dr. Hill) had to be hit around the head with a rubber shovel
      made from a cheap variant that had set far too hard, and was also
      forced to wear a hideous wig for the whole shoot to match the hair on
      his fake head (cheaper than a reproduction).

11. Ah, the infamous "head" sequence! (Barbara Crampton gets some
      from a severed one): David Gale's wife stormed out after the first
      screening, wailing "David! How could you!"

12. The actress who originally was supposed to play Barbara Crampton's
       part had to step off the job after her mother read the script and forbade
       her daughter the playing of this scene (you'lll find a reference on this
       incident in one of Jeffrey's interviews)

Barbara Crampton spent the next few years confiscating stacks of
       smutty stills from excitable fans at horror conventions

14. Jim Belusi, of Chicago, Illinois, to this day occasionally rings the
       director in the early hours of the morning, simply to utter his
       favourite line:
      �Wessst � You � Basstarrrd!�
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