
Your beloved world adventurers!


Selamat datang, selamat lo udah masuk ke galeri yang gak jelas ini, saking ga jelasnya mungkin lo bingung isinya apa aja.

Penasaran gak sih?

Disini gue bakal share beberapa destinasi, travel tips serta galeri selama perjalanan gue selama mendaki.

Ga terlalu keren banget sih cuman ya gue mau kasih tau lo aja, kalau indonesia itu luas, kaya, lebar, panjang dan lega banget.

Enjoy guys!



Gimana gue bisa diem kalau liat pemandangan kek gini...


Jomblo bukan berarti sendiri...







Hi there!
My name is Asri Agustin Syam Hilmiah, but a lot saying that it is such a long name. Well, then you can call me Anel, yes – simply “Anel” (what an abbreviation, isn’t it?).
I’m welcoming you to my little footsteps that cover many exciting journey I’ve been through all my life.
I made these writings to display my ultimate passions that, it is not only to tell you about it, yet to share it with you in aiming of helping you make your own journey. (a little hope to help :p)
I’m interested in many fascinating (the hype is on – LOL) things, such as; traveling, hiking, reading books especially “novels”, watching movies (which is so mainstream) and just chilling over a coffee with my besties.
Nothing can make me happier than knowing what I wrote and created have helped those want-to-be travelers (as simple as, just wanted to start traveling). I hope this blog can really help you start printing your footsteps and exploring this old-yet-wonderful world. I'll be able to reached out through this email [email protected]
Nice e-meeting you (sis, bruh) and hopefully we can be a real besties. Cheers ;)






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