About PACE



About Pace '98


Pace '98 E-Group




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PACE, the acronym for Pagoda of Aspiring Corporate Executives was the informal students' organisation formed by the first batch of BBA students of University Institute of Technology, Trivandrum in the year 1995.  The name was coined by the students of the first batch of BBA.


PACE is non-political in nature and is fully funded by the students of the Institute.  The activities of PACE are also managed fully by the students.


PACE was formed with a view to help the students in sharpening their managerial skills by means of conducting management games, seminars, workshops, etc.


All students of the Trivandrum Centre of UIT automatically get enrolled as members of PACE.


PACE was also instrumental in bringing out PACEMAG, the annual magazine of the students of BBA. The magazine mainly contains articles provided by students and also by faculty members.

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