Office Bearers



About Pace


About Pace '98


Pace '98 E-Group




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The office bearers of PACE '98 includes a Secretary, a Treasurer and Event Managers.  The number of Event Managers are fixed by the members each year.


The Secretary, with the assistance of the Event Managers shall manage the activities of PACE '98.  The Secretary and the Event Managers shall be responsible for sending Birthday cards to its members, maintaining the PACE'98 members' database, publishing Enigma, etc.


The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the accounts of the association.  The Treasurer is also in charge of the bank a/c and bank pass book.  The Treasurer shall present the accounts before the members during the annual get-together function.


The following are the current office bearers:

  • Gemi Thomas  -  Secretary

  • Merlin Prasad Alfred - Treasurer

  • Anup V.V - Event Manager

  • Midhun C.Babu - Event Manager

  • Roshni S - Event Manager

Please contact the office bearers in case of any suggestions/complaints or if you need any assistance.

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