Gracie & Linda, training for the Road Trial

Ch. Paisley Patch Mt. Amazing Grace NA RD Can CD
Ch. Matrix Paisley Silent Night Nick ex Ch. Paisley Paradigm (L) Salem
Breeders - Sue MacMillan & Lisen Overturf (McCoy)
Owner/trainer Linda McSherry

Gracie practicing her Agility tire jumpGracie is proving to be a very versatile Dalmatian! She finished her championship the same weekend her first champion son finished his title! Gracie's Road Dog title was earned at the National, where she also won her class, and followed up by winning her first NAJ agility leg. We are very proud of Gracie and her owner/handler Linda McSherry who learned to ride so that Gracie could compete in Road Trials!

Gracie winning High In Road Trial Linda and Gracie competed in the DCA Road Trial again in 2000, this time accompanied by Linda's daughter Christy who also took riding lessons so she could compete in a Road Trial. Gracie did us all proud by going High Scoring Dog in Road Trial in a large entry!

Gracie recently earned her Canadian CD in three straight shows. She's a full sister to Chs. Sid & Carmen and Dobie.

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